For years, June has been my favorite month. It signals so many of my favorite things – the end of the school year, beginning of summer, the first firefly, longer days and shorter nights, and so much more. This year is no exception.

I am still waiting on the first firefly sighting and praying for more sunshiney days, but June is still one of my favorites. Summer solstice has come and gone, but here in Ohio summer temps still need to make an appearance.

The first six months of this year have been a blur. In the ups and downs, chaos, and challenges, I feel so much gratitude for how God has taught me and continues to show me the way.

I am learning that just as a mom’s work is never done, God’s work isn’t either. One after another, God has showered blessings on me and my family. My oldest son found his soulmate after a divorce and got married. Baby Jack was born and now I go by “Mimi.” My son, DIL, and Baby Jack moved back home and all of my kids are nearby. But, what’s happening on the outside does not reflect the inside right now. God knows the work I need and He is using this time to work behind the scenes. The digging, pruning, nourishing, and root building that is going on is nothing you can see, but it is everything I feel.

God wastes nothing and in these last six months He has been good to balance the hard work with beautiful abundance for my family. I feel nothing but gratitude for how God patiently prunes, while reminding me that He is always present and at work.

In keeping with the one year anniversary celebration of Tell His Story, I am going to share some of the most loved posts. Also, the giveaway of books by Susan Shipe, Betsy de Cruz, and Pam Ecrement as well as Fair Trade Friday goodies goes through the end of this week. Head over HERE to enter if you haven’t already and then share with all your friends. 😉

Here are the top five posts for the first year of Tell His Story in no particular order.

1.The Story Continues – This is the post where it all began. I wrote about how I ended up hosting Tell His Story and my heart behind continuing this beautiful community. Here’s a bit of what I share:

And now the story continues. What looked like the end is now a beginning. God provides beautiful opportunities to share who He is and honor Him in how we live our lives. This beginning is a chance for us to come together, get to know each other, and open our hearts to community.

2. The Call to Lay Your Isaac Down – As a community of writers, we are extremely gifted. Once a month, I began to feature a writer from our community and that person became the guest writer. This article was written by Linda Stoll and her words took the reader through a quick look at the story of Abraham and his son, Isaac, as God called Abraham to sacrifice his son. Throughout the post, Linda challenges the reader to lay down their own Isaac. We all hold onto things that are not ours to hold onto. God calls us to release those and in this process we begin to experience freedom.

3. Surprise! God Has Your Best Interest at Heart – This is another guest post that you all loved. Michele Morin takes us on her journey from Maine and back again as she learns that God does have our best interests at heart. He is in the details and Michele’s story gives the reader a taste of what that looks like for her, but also provides practical tips to aid us all in our own journeys.

4. The Slow Awakening – This piece was written as winter was wrapping up and the Lenten season left me with so many new thoughts. I wrote:

The walk to the cross is a daily awakening. I know I will never figure it out on my own, but can stand in the grace of God and tell you that He is willing to teach you.

I loved my own slow awakening during this time and I hope you do too.

5. What If“If I live in the “what if”, I lose sight of the “what now.” These words have become a mantra to me. I am the person who wants to figure out the “why” behind all the things. When I do this, I spend time looking backward and miss what God has right in front of me. Has this ever happened to you? Then this post is for you.

June musings, a wrap up of the one year Tell His Story anniversary celebration and a chance to enter a giveaway, all on the blog this week. #oneyearanniversary #TellHisStory #giveaway Share on X

I see June as a month of beginnings and endings. As the spring green brightens to its summer hue, I feel God’s love in every detail and want to express my gratitude for His abundance. May I encourage you to know and see God in all whether it is the work He is doing behind the scenes or the upfront gifts that He is showering on you.


As a gift for all of you, I have created two 8 x 10 inch printables. I believe the story continues with you, so in that vein, the printables are based on that saying. Save the image your favorite way and it will be ready for you to print.

#TellHisStory Link Up
Each week we gather here as storytellers, word weavers, and encouragers to make His name known. Our story is God’s story and this small corner of the blogging world, where we come together each Tuesday, needs you. This is a place where poetry, snapshots, prayers, and stories find a safe spot to nod in agreement that what we have to say matters.
I am glad you are here and would love to have you join the #TellHisStory community. Add your own encouraging post through the link below. Spread some love by visiting your neighbor and leave your own encouragement. Add the #TellHisStory button to your post so others can join in on the fun. Click HERE to get the button.
Your story matters and the #TellHisStory link up continues because of you.

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