It started as a list. My usual place on the couch turned into my “think tank”. I titled the list “Let me not forget” as I haphazardly wrote down anything that came to mind. Quickly my thoughts became more intentional and the time in my “think tank” was a sacred foray into what God was teaching me.

I would love for all of you to think that I held every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) and filtered it through God’s Word, but that is not the way it happened. So many ideas, emotions, and “what ifs” have flowed each day of this strange season we are in. The days I succumb to watching the news are the days my mind goes haywire and the truths that I hold dear are nowhere near. Thank goodness, I recognize the harm this has caused my heart and mind. I am thankful most of my days have been news free.

How do we free our minds from “the news” and set it on the things from above? Where do we start and how do we get there?

What do we do first?

There is not a right answer to this question. As a believer, my answer is to turn to God first even when there are more questions to ask. Let’s look at Habakkuk as we attempt to answer this question.

You might ask “why Habakkuk?” as we move forward. Habakkuk lived during the time when Babylon was becoming stronger and more dominant in the world. It was a time when the people of Judah were surrounded by evil influences and their choices would either lead them closer to God or farther away. Habakkuk was a prophet and the lifeline to God for the people of Judah. He was fighting against the evil his people were turning to. He stood before God and asked the hard questions. Habakkuk begged for answers to lead the people back to God. Chapter One begins with the following questions:

How long, Lord, must I call for help,

    but you do not listen?

Or cry out to you, “Violence!”

    but you do not save?

Why do you make me look at injustice?

    Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?

Destruction and violence are before me;

    there is strife, and conflict abounds. Habakkuk 1:2-3

Habakkuk beseeches God for a reprieve from evil by asking difficult questions. God listens and answers. He is the choice for the people of Judah and he is the perfect example for us as we ask our own questions right now.

If you are anything like me (I bet you are), new questions pop up every day. We are traveling an unfamiliar path that no one has traversed before. The one thing I am learning is that the more questions I ask of God, the deeper my mind goes into understanding His love and truth. And when I lean in closer to God, I am ready to hear the answers whether I love the outcome or not.

Pray Without Ceasing

My current state of mind is all over the board–up, down, over, right, left, and then it repeats. I lose my center often and only find it again when I breathe deep and pray without ceasing. Don’t believe for a minute that there aren’t distractions that pull me away, but in this time of not knowing, I do so much better when my focus is on Jesus.

Lysa TerKeurst says it like this, “I don’t have answers, but I do have prayers”.

If we continue reading the words from Habakkuk, we learn that he doesn’t just ask questions of God and leave it at that. The second chapter reveals God’s answers to Habakkuk. I love the call and answer format written in the first two chapters of Habakkuk. When we reach Chapter Three, Habakkuk is praying and praising God. It is a beautiful example of faith, surrendering, and trusting God’s control and plan in all situations. The book and chapter end with these words:

The Sovereign Lord is my strength;

    he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,

    he enables me to tread on the heights. Habakkuk 3:19

Taking time to pray to the One who knows us ultimately leads us on the path we should go (Psalm 32:8). Holding space for God-time daily deepens the core of who we are as we allow God’s truth to guide us.

Let Me Not Forget

So what is on the list that I referenced at the beginning of this post? I began with trivial items such as “let me not forget I have enough food, toilet paper, and Clorox wipes.” I’m grateful that God led me beyond material items to ones that speak about how He is caring for us during a time when we are on uneven ground.

God says to all of us:

Let us not forget that what makes no sense to us makes perfect sense to God.

Remember the whispers of love I shared on the mornings you chose to sit with me.

Let us not forget the laughter and silliness that accompanied time with family or friends whether on Zoom, via text, or FaceTime.

Keep in mind that my perfect plan always arrives exactly when you need it.

I hope you are finding hope and peace during these uncertain times. May you know in the deepest part of who you are that God is good. He is with you in this time of not knowing as you hold onto the One who has the answers.

What would add to the “let me not forget list”?

Let me not forget that what makes no sense to me makes perfect sense to God. #newpost #questions #answers #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X

Still asking questions but believing God knows best!

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