Dear Friends,

Each time I introduce you to a featured writer, I get goosebumps from the words you are about to read. I am blessed to know and share this space with many I call friends but also those I only know online, who are writers who want to encourage and point you to Jesus.

Today, my friend Susan Shipe is here to share her “un-Bucket” list. Leave it to Susan to not only come up with a catchy title but leave me thinking of my “BIG” birthday next year. Please welcome Susan and share some love in the comments and over at her site, Hope Heart Home.

Join Susan Shipe, the featured writer at #TellHisStory this week, and find out what an "un-bucket" list is. #newpost #featuredwriter Share on X

Do you have a bucket list? I used to until it felt like I was crossing things off waiting to die. And, that just didn’t feel right! So, I’ve decided to have an un-bucket list! The things I don’t want to do!

60-something for one more year!

My birthday is in October and I will be 60-something for one more year (you can figure that out!). What do I want my life to be – to look like as I approach the daunting number of 70.

I do not embrace getting old. Not one tiny bit. My mom, who passed away at 86 years old in October 2012, used to say to my sister and I, “I hate getting old.”

I understand now.

I don’t relish getting old.

But, it is inevitable and no matter what I do… face cream, body wraps, daily walks, healthy food… the clock does not stop ticking. We are born to grow old. Yes, I smile as I write that!

What does the Bible say?

My very favorite prayer and one I pray over myself is from Psalm 128, a song of Ascents. As the Jewish people would make their annual trip to Jerusalem they sang prayers as they went “up to Jerusalem!” Here’s my favorite:

The Lord bless you out of Zion, and may you see the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life. Yes! May you see your children’s children! Peace be upon Israel! Psalm 128.5-6

The older I get and the older our grandchildren get I now say “my grandchildren’s children!”  The Lord and I chuckle over that!

A few more aging scriptures

Even to your old age I will be the same; and, even to your graying years I will bear you! I have done it and I will carry you. I will bear you and I will deliver you. Isaiah 46.4

They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing…Psalm 92.14

Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength fails.Psalm 71.9

So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90.12

My un-bucket list

Some of the things on my ‘bucket’ list included: zip-lining and going to Alaska. I have done those things and both were exhilarating and adventurous! My un-bucket list includes:

  1. to never be whiny and complaining
  2. to never be unkind or unappreciative
  3. to never put my needs before another’s real needs
  4. to not be quick to judge
  5. to not be open to new ideas and new concepts

In other words I want to live the rest of my days not complaining, always being kind, always being grateful, always being giving and generous, non-judgmental, and always open to being adventurous and listening to new ideas. My un-bucket list!

Everything else will fall in place!

If God wants and approves my desire to whitewater raft – so be it! Crazy, right? But I do think it would be great fun. No greater than #2.5 rapids!!!

This promise I’m holding on to

If you walk in My ways, keeping My statutes and commandments, as your father David walked, then I will prolong your days. 1 Kings 3.14

Do you have a bucket list? An un-bucket list? Do share in the comments!

"Do you have a bucket list or how about an un-bucket list? Com'on over and see what's on mine! #bgbg2" #TellHisStory Share on X

Susan Chamberlain Shipe, a writer since the age of eight when she and her neighborhood friend wrote, edited, published, and distributed The Manor News. Things have changed since publishing with the five and dime stamp lettering set! Today, Susan enjoys blogging, writing short devotions and short stories from her empty-nest downtown flat in Statesville, North Carolina, which she shares with her husband of thirty plus years, Lowell. Susan can be found musing several times a week at

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