As the last few days of 2019 slip away, I am suddenly reminded of the new decade that is upon us. Ten years quickly flash in my mind and a fresh start comes into view. Hope rises and the great unknown stands ready to reveal itself during this new decade. I’m the girl that loves all things new coupled with an abundance of blank journal pages. Now if only I can persevere through the blank pages this year.

Growing up I couldn’t wait for the new box of crayons at the start of each school year. The smell alone transports me back to my growing up years. I love the promise of a new calendar of empty blocks just waiting for the first scratch of the pen. As I have gotten older, expectancy reigns at the beginning of each new year. Hope is waiting to bloom, joy stands ready to unfold, and uncharted days are mine to explore.

Persevere like the Hebrews

The words of Hebrews 12 fill my mind as I begin the new year. I can’t think of a better way to begin a new year and decade than with a battle cry to do it well.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Hebrews 12:1-2

Promise nestles itself between the words and a knowing that all is well with Jesus. That is where I want to find myself as the new year begins. A blank calendar laid out before me and three hundred sixty-six days of the unknown with Jesus leading the way.

What about you? Are you ready to run your race with Jesus to the finish linethe One who holds all your days in-between?

Let’s allow ourselves to think back over 2019 in order to prepare ourselves for this new year. My own personal journey held uncertainty during the first quarter of the year. It ended with immense joy when my grandson was born in the middle of March. Spring rolled into Summer and all the while life was a roller coaster ride. My emotions swung from overflowing joy to overwhelming uncertainty.

Deep, uncharted emotions are not the norm for me, but 2019 led me through a mix of highs and lows. I said “No” to many things the second half of the year as I leaned into my one word, “Receive.” I honestly felt a little lost in the process. Thoughts of “why” filled my mind. The year ended differently than it started with answered prayers filling up the last few days in a fanfare of glory. Only God can take us on the scariest roller coaster ride of our lives to find out it wasn’t so bad after all as we pull into the station to disembark.

In looking back, I am finding the space to move forward.

What do the Hebrews know?

New beginnings bring deep reflections, thoughts of new goals, and hope that we will keep God first in our lives. I journal, set goals in a broad sense, but try not to set myself up for failure.

The question is what do the people in the Book of Hebrews know and how can they help us?

Key points to glean from our friends of long ago:

We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. We are not alone. God is always with us and that is enough to keep me on the roller coaster even when it is the last place I want to be. What does this look like for you?

Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. Surrender has been a recurring word that God continues to bring up in my life. I can choose to carry a heavier load or let God step in and help. My stubbornness tends to get me in trouble but I am praying I choose to let go more often this year. How do you let go of what weighs you down?

Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. This is one area that is hard for me. I get tired. How about you? I have good intentions to persevere but do not always make it to the finish line. What a blessing it is to know what the Hebrews know.

Fix your eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. Amen. In order to persevere, our focus must remain on Jesus. Whenever my eyes stray, my ability to stay on the path and finish the race gets sidetracked. What do you do to stay focused on Jesus?

A new year is upon us. Let's look back to make space for moving forward with a new hope, joy, and uncharted days ready to explore. #TellHisStory #newpost #persevere #newyear #linkup Share on X

God’s message to the Christian Jews of the time leave us with some good pointers as we begin this new year. I am trusting that God already has it figured out and He will lead me in the ways I should go. What about you? Will you join me?


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A new series begins on January 21 all about the Enneagram. I have amazing writers lined up to share a bit about what it looks like to identify as a one, two, three, etc.

***In line with the Enneagram series, I am looking for a writer who identifies as a six on the Enneagram and would be willing to share a post. Message me through the contact form on the website.

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