My One Word  2018 ~ Surrender

My One Word 2018 ~ Surrender

Before I succumbed to the nasty flu bug that will take down even the strongest among us, God began stirring together a list of possible words for this year. He always does it in the gentlest of ways and never allows the word to shine brightly in neon for me to see. I...
Mundanely Skeptical: Where Grace Finds You

Mundanely Skeptical: Where Grace Finds You

Do you love the everyday ordinary? Does life look like sleep, waking up, routine, set on repeat? Do you walk out of the house each day with the same packed lunch that is an afterthought during your busy day? Do day and night meld together so seamlessly that one never...
Let Go and Let Me…The Weekend Brew

Let Go and Let Me…The Weekend Brew

The cracks in the sidewalk resemble my soul, ridges and grooves mark off sections into the compartments of my life-God, family, church, work and fun. Twigs, scattered leaves and pebbles gather to fill the crevices, much like my insecurities, weaknesses and doubt that...

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