Advent Week Four ~ Sacred Expectancy

Advent Week Four ~ Sacred Expectancy

For those of you who are still on the journey toward a sacred pause, I appreciate you. I pray you are feeling a sense of slower rhythms as you turn the corner into Christmas week. Each breath in is your invitation to call upon the One who wants to save you from...
Advent Week Three ~ Sacred Heart Work

Advent Week Three ~ Sacred Heart Work

Today we begin the third week of Advent. Taking time to pause in this busy season is never easy, but giving yourself the gift of Jesus is worth it. I love having you on this sacred journey with me. God’s invitation to pause, be still, listen, and wait well for the...
Advent Week Two ~ Sacred Intentionality

Advent Week Two ~ Sacred Intentionality

We are entering Week Two of Advent. Thank you for coming back and giving yourself the gift of a sacred pause. Last week, we worked on slowing down to capture stillness in our busy days. It was a time of sitting in the quiet and letting God join us in that space. There...
Advent Week One – Sacred Stillness

Advent Week One – Sacred Stillness

You are entering the first week of Advent. Already your breath is uneven and scattered as your to-do list for the holidays looms large. Your heart is racing and you cannot even imagine making it through four more weeks at the pace you are going.  As you draw in...
Prepare Ye the Way

Prepare Ye the Way

I wrote this post several years ago for God-Sized Dreams. The words still speak truth and remind me of the approaching holiday season. I love the idea of preparing not only my home but my heart and soul also. Join me as we dive into this idea of “preparing the...

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