Do You Trust God’s Plan?

Do You Trust God’s Plan?

Do you trust God’s plan? How would you answer that? I’m embarrassed to say that my answer depends on the day. I consider what kind of day I am having. Then I look at how things are going for me – is life running smoothly or is it challenging? I put...

My One Word-One Month Later {Almost}

2015 is my year to shine. That’s my word and I have been impatiently waiting for clarity and a complete unfolding of what it’s going to look like. As you know and I do as well, it’s only been a month- not even quite a whole month-twenty days in!...
Time to Shine 2015

Time to Shine 2015

Over the last 6 months, I have heard the steady rhythm of a voice whispering over and over “I have big plans for you”. The words change ever so slightly, but they have stolen my heart with new possibilities. The message is clear and plays on repeat...

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