O Come O Come Emanuel

O Come O Come Emanuel

O Come O Come Emanuel O come, O come, Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. We are natural born seekers. Curiosity leads to questions and questions lead...
The Priming of our Hearts

The Priming of our Hearts

We are quickly approaching the season of Advent. The time when we prepare and open our hearts to a Savior, who was born one silent night in a stable. Advent gives us the gift of time to follow a story that is beautiful, miraculous and life giving. It is the beginning...
Trying on Grace… The Weekend Brew

Trying on Grace… The Weekend Brew

I’m trying on grace for size these days. Grace in the everyday ordinary, in the unexpected and in the interactions with those I do life with daily. Grace that comes in all sizes, shapes and is our gift from God without any strings attached. Grace that fits all...
Mundanely Skeptical: Where Grace Finds You

Mundanely Skeptical: Where Grace Finds You

Do you love the everyday ordinary? Does life look like sleep, waking up, routine, set on repeat? Do you walk out of the house each day with the same packed lunch that is an afterthought during your busy day? Do day and night meld together so seamlessly that one never...
Sunday Morning Always Comes ~ Tears

Sunday Morning Always Comes ~ Tears

This. has. been. a. week! A week of raw… A week of ache… A week of emptiness… A week for tears. A beautiful, wise grace-filled woman recently described tears as love. In the brokenness of life, when tears flow without end, God gathers our tears as...

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