Making Space for Advent Living All Year

Making Space for Advent Living All Year

January 1 has come and gone and a new year has dawned. New year, new you posts are popping up everywhere and encouragement to set goals for the new year is a big part of our newsfeed. I am not looking to adopt a list of innovative things to satisfy the many new year...
Advent Week Four ~ Sacred Expectancy

Advent Week Four ~ Sacred Expectancy

For those of you who are still on the journey toward a sacred pause, I appreciate you. I pray you are feeling a sense of slower rhythms as you turn the corner into Christmas week. Each breath in is your invitation to call upon the One who wants to save you from...
The Christmas Mission

The Christmas Mission

Tis the Season… Busyness walks hand in hand with an overwhelming feeling of never completing your to do list Stress creeps in with a sense of urgency as the days pass by quickly Our minds scatter thoughts faster than we can blink and cohesive ideas flee from our...

Back to School Blues (and Blessings)- Part 1

I am a teacher! I am an elementary teacher of third graders. Summers are a blessing – a chance to regroup, reenergize and reflect. My job will be starting again at the end of August. For many of you this post will find you already in the hubbub of preparations...

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