Becoming Advent People in a Busy World

Becoming Advent People in a Busy World

Hurry up! Slow down! Follow me. Shop here. Buy this. Conflicting messages come at us non-stop. If we focus on what everyone is saying and turn toward the world, we forget the reason we are here, to begin with. The world continues to shout louder, our hearts beat...
Advent Week One – Sacred Stillness

Advent Week One – Sacred Stillness

You are entering the first week of Advent. Already your breath is uneven and scattered as your to-do list for the holidays looms large. Your heart is racing and you cannot even imagine making it through four more weeks at the pace you are going.  As you draw in...
A Sacred Pause ~ Introduction

A Sacred Pause ~ Introduction

Welcome to A Sacred Pause. Each Sunday of Advent you will receive an email of devotions, prayers, and going deeper all with the intention of shaping and refining your time of waiting in this Advent season.  If you are like me, you are familiar with the practice...
Prepare Ye the Way

Prepare Ye the Way

I wrote this post several years ago for God-Sized Dreams. The words still speak truth and remind me of the approaching holiday season. I love the idea of preparing not only my home but my heart and soul also. Join me as we dive into this idea of “preparing the...

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Mary Geisen
Becoming Advent People in a Busy World
Advent Week One – Sacred Stillness
A Sacred Pause ~ Introduction
Prepare Ye the Way
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