Five Minute Friday-Bloom

It’s Five Minute Friday and I am joining Lisa-Jo Baker and other FMF girls to write flat out for five minutes. No editing, no polishing, and then linking up together. I am loving this challenge! I hope you enjoy it too! Check out what Five Minute Friday is all about...

Broken But Beautiful

Summer vacation has begun… Promises and dreams of lazy days, fun with friends and family time. Schedules are forgotten – instead pool time, barbecues, suntan lotion, lightening bugs and a day of play are the only agenda items that should be on the minds of...

What If …

What if my humble home, my story, my words spilled out on a page, touched one person? Would I write? Should I write? What if my own grace-filled passage – my journey – reminded one person that God is real and His mercies are new every morning? Should I...

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