What is Your “Now” Moment?

What is Your “Now” Moment?

I shuffled down the driveway dragging my garbage can behind me. My thoughts centered on myself and to be honest the voice in my head was not very flattering. I couldn’t wait to hole up inside with my feet up on the couch. That was the plan until I lifted my eyes...
Gratitude Isn’t Always Easy

Gratitude Isn’t Always Easy

My eyes complete a three-hundred-sixty-degree sweep of my surroundings. There is beauty in every direction. The horizon reveals endless water and on the other side, a strip of sand stands guard as the water inches its way toward it. Green vegetation rises among the...
Do You Trust God’s Plan?

Do You Trust God’s Plan?

Do you trust God’s plan? How would you answer that? I’m embarrassed to say that my answer depends on the day. I consider what kind of day I am having. Then I look at how things are going for me – is life running smoothly or is it challenging? I put...

Sufficient Grace

9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 This verse has been haunting me for the last...

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