I shuffled down the driveway dragging my garbage can behind me. My thoughts centered on myself and to be honest the voice in my head was not very flattering. I couldn’t wait to hole up inside with my feet up on the couch. That was the plan until I lifted my eyes off of the asphalt and saw two of my neighbors in my line of vision. This was my “now” moment.
Neighbors Who Need Neighbors
Two thoughts crossed my mind in the same instant: I could pretend I didn’t see my neighbors and shuffle on inside or I could greet them and spend time with them. God places “now” moments in front of us to allow tension to exist between right and wrong; to show us we have a choice; to allow us to choose love, and to know that honoring Him is part of the mix.
On this particular day, I looked my neighbors in the eye and shouted a “hello.” We gathered on the patio and talked for two hours.
Throughout the conversation, I assumed these two ladies, who are significantly older than me, needed this time together. I left there knowing I was the neighbor who needed my neighbors.
Trust that God Knows Best
All it took was eye contact and a “hello.” One “yes” in the middle of my day changed not only my outlook but my neighbors as well. Choosing to say “yes” to an opportunity right in front of me seems easy enough. Finding the “now” moment doesn’t have to be difficult but I have a way of making it that way.
Have you ever done that? Gone out of your way in the grocery store to avoid saying “hi” to a friend or kept your head down in class so the teacher doesn’t call on you? I’m raising my hand over here because I have done both. What about you?
God asks for us to trust Him. He calls us to love others knowing that somedays it looks and feels hard. God never pushes us into awkward situations but challenges us to step out of our comfort zones. He knows what’s best especially when we don’t. God invites us to sit with our neighbors, say “hi” to that friend in the grocery store and even to lift our eyes off of our feet to see the beauty in front of us. It’s as simple as being present in the moment.
My battle cry should sound like “Trust in the Lord with all my heart” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Trust when it’s hard, when it’s

Recognizing the “Now” Moment
Maybe raising my eyes to see my neighbors and saying “hi” will help me to recognize the next “now” moment. Maybe all it takes is looking beyond my agenda to God’s plan. The question I keep asking is “will I recognize when God calls me to stop and look up”?
I’m just the girl trying not to make the same mistakes over and over. What if God invites both of us to pause before making a hasty decision to recognize His voice in the “yes or no”.
Will I recognize when God calls me to stop and look up? I'm just the girl trying not to make the same mistakes over and over. #newpost #TellHisStory #linkup #nowmoment Share on XTogether let’s try to make the most of any “now” moments that are placed in our path. I believe we can learn to:
Keep our eyes off the ground and on God who calls us to so much more.
Say “hi” and join our neighbors knowing the blessing is usually more for us than for them.
Invite a friend for coffee and create a space for our own moment.
Recognize that trusting God will lead us in the way we should go.
Your own ears will hear him.
Right behind you a voice will say,
“This is the way you should go,”
whether to the right or to the left. Isaiah 30:21 NLT
I am repeating the words to the verse above. The reminder that God will always show me the way is one I need daily. What about you? Will you join me?
Starting here, starting now, let’s remember that we have the best opportunities to not only be a blessing but to be blessed in the process.

I know I miss SO many now moments because I am distracted by my own agenda. Thanks for this reminder to “Keep our eyes off the ground and on God who calls us to so much more.” Amen.
I am right there with you. I am praying I am more intentional. I already have noticed a difference this week because I am still thinking about what I wrote and God is placing opportunities in front of me. Hope you had a wonderful vacation. Your pictures looked awesome.
This is my challenge: “What if God invites both of us to pause before making a hasty decision to recognize His voice in the “yes or no”.” My prayers this week have been focused around that very scripture in Isaiah. What an amazing promise! Have a blessed week!
I love that God connected us to the same scripture this week. It is reassuring to know God will show us the way to go. I am so pleased to see you here today, June. I’ve missed you.
It’s as simple as being present in the moment. So simple. So profound. So convicting. laurensparks.net
So simple yet so hard to follow through with at times. I pray you experience your own “now” moments this week.
I’ve definitely been one to lower my head or dash down a different aisle when I see someone I know in the grocery store. Funny thing is, is a do love to talk especially as my day job has me home at a computer with no human contact except by phone or email and text. So what fear holds me back from randomly taking that time to talk to another that suddenly shows up? I think I can wonder “does that person really want to talk to me?” But people desire to be known. And a hi does that!
I was nodding in agreement while reading your comment. I wonder where my fear comes from too. Why do I think other people don’t want to talk when it might be the only human contact they have all day? You are so right in saying that people desire to be known. Thank you for sharing your own thoughts.
I’m raising my hand with you, Mary. Thank you for being so honest. These reflections brought tears to my eyes as I am realizing more that God wants me to step out of my comfort zone. I want to with you seize more of those “now” moments. To not ignore the nudges but to trust God will show me the way. Thank you so much for this timely post. Love and blessings to you!
I love that I am not alone and I pray you find such strength in pausing to recognize and follow through with your own “now” moments. God loves when we honor Him and this is one simple way to do that. Love and blessings to you too!
I had a now moment the other day, like you I was heading out with trash, and my herbie curbie was still at the road, having been limping with a sore foot, I went after it, and it was 95. I would have missed a chance to be His light had I not gone, you never know who is driving past.
Amen! God doesn’t care about the weather but He does care that we stopped to honor Him throughout our day. Thank you for sharing your story.
Guilty. My hand is raised and my head is bowed in disgrace. GREAT POST.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. I pray we both find opportunities to raise our heads and say “hello” instead of raising our hands in disgrace.
Great post, Mary! It can be hard to step out of our comfort zones at times and take a risk in situations where it feels a bit awkward, but I know from experience that it is usually worth it when we do! Thanks for this encouragement to keep stepping out!
I believe it is always worth it when I step out of my comfort zone. It’s taking the first step that is the hard part. Love having you here.
Love the idea of Now Moments. Kind of keeps you looking for opportunities to engage. Nice story.
Hey Ron! Thanks for stopping to leave a comment. I know now that God brought this to my attention I am more aware of when I can be a blessing to someone else.
These are such beautiful thoughts, Mary! There has been so many of those now moments that have blessed me but it definitely isn’t easy to say yes to those moments. Thank you for this wonderful encouragement to keep saying yes!
Hi Ronja! Thank you for joining in the conversation. I pray looking and finding those “now” moments gets easier for both of us. Blessings!
Mary, I had to smile when I read that saying “hello” to your neighbors led to a two-hour conversation–one that you needed as much as them! I’ve had similar interactions (though maybe not quite as lengthy!) and am always glad when I say yes to that nudge. I love the idea of “NOW” moments. 🙂
I wasn’t expecting one “hello” to lead to two hours but God knew. That’s the best part of “now” moments. They are God-ordained from beginning to end. Grateful to have you here, Lois.
Great post, Mary. And yes, I’m guilty, too. May we all ask God to open our eyes to see the “now” moments and be that light our world so desperately needs! Blessings to you! xo
I am standing in agreement with you that we embrace the light Jesus has given us and graciously share it with others. Thank you for being here.
Dear Mary,
OH yes, I am agreeing with all of your thoughts and convictions here. Just this morning the Lord led me through these same Scriptures that you shared, reminding me that I can trust HIM to give me the right directions as I look up to Him. Thank you for the beautiful confirmations today!
It seems others have been studying the same scriptures this week. I am grateful that you found a place of confirmation in God’s word and here as I shared my “now” moment. Blessings, friend!
YES, Mary, exactly on target! We can (an do) all miss far too many “now” moments. Recently I enjoyed one on a day where I was scurrying into our favorite grocery store to pick up just a few items I had forgotten on the bigger grocery trip. As I was walking toward to checkout, I happened to be walking through the wine department and noticed the woman I am aware manages this section. I felt “nudged” to thank her for the great job she does and when I did I learned she would be retiring in 6 months, has had a variety of health problems including the possibility of cancer, and was stunned I stopped to commend her. She was heading home just before I did because she knew her BP was spiking. I was SO GLAD I obeyed and stopped to speak with her. A few days later I saw her near the front of the store working on a display and asked her how she was feeling again. Now I purpose to look for her any time I am in that store. It cost me so little and gave me so much insight about “now” moments where He blesses us by obeying and uses us when we do.
God nudges are the best especially when we follow through. You created a safe place for this woman to share some of her struggles and you made her feel known. What a blessing. Thank you for sharing the simplicity of pausing for the “now” moments.
I’ve been on both sides of this struggle too, Mary. Living in my same small town for over 40 years makes this especially challenging, because I keep bumping into the same people over and over again. Even though I’m an introvert, I try hard to look people in the eye and simply say “Hello.” I’m tired of getting snubbed by people who I am sure know me. I want to choose a different path, because that’s what God wants me to do. Thank you for your honesty here! Sharing on Twitter.
Sounds like you live where everybody knows everybody. I lived in the same part of my city for all but the last two years. My mom always gave me the advice to look people in the eye, smile, and say “hi.” I seem to have forgotten somewhere along the way. I imagine it’s hard when people do not return the greeting. God sees you and loves what you are doing. Thank you for sharing your story and for sharing my words.
I had a “Now” moment recently while walking to the subway. A gentleman walked by me and said, “Help me, Jesus.” I could’ve ignored him and acted as if I didn’t hear him but I heard him loud and clear. My immediate response without thinking was, he will help you. Jesus will help you. He stopped, I stopped and we talked for at least ten minutes. Moments like this make my day. He was encouraged and so was I.
What a blessing you were to each other. It would have been so easy to keep walking but instead, you paused and that’s all it took to get the conversation going. Thank you for sharing.
Ah, but as a former teacher, you know that the one with her head down often gets called on. So glad to read that God “called on” you this day and you responded with a “yes!” Thanks for a reminder to say “yes” to NOW moments as they arise, Mary.
Thank you for your honesty Mary! I really struggle with this, as I have little energy for the day with chronic health conditions but I too am blessed when I listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompts to bless another.
Bless you,
I appreciate your honesty too. I pray you feel available and strong when you receive your own Holy Spirit nudges. Blessings on the rest of your week!
I do know that about teachers because it happened to me often as a child. However, when I became a teacher I tried hard not to do that. I understood what it felt like to be terrified to answer in class. I pray you find many of your own “Now” moments this week.
Beautiful post, Mary. This is what I want to remember today > “We have the best opportunities to not only be a blessing but to be blessed in the process.”
God spent time teaching me this past week in the process He encouraged me to share with others. The best lessons come in the ordinary, don’t they? I pray I find those opportunities to not only be a blessing but to be blessed too.
I love this, Mary! I know your neighbors were blessed by your company! You and I are on the same path, friend. I just posted about shining a light (even when you don’t feel like it).
Amen, Mary. Just the nudge I continue to need … and people KNOW when we’re pretending not to see them!
Who do we think we’re kidding?
People do know and I am sure that my two sweet neighbors never would have called me out on not stopping by to chat but that is not the point. When God provides a “now” moment, it should be my pleasure to pause and follow through. Good to see you here today.
My neighbors blessed me and I am so glad I stopped and said “hello.” I am looking forward to reading your post. I love when God sends the same message in multiple places.
Raising my hand, too, Mary, as “the OTHER girl who’s trying not to make the same mistakes twice.”
Those neighbor ladies are blessed indeed. Thanks for this roar of intentional living.
I love knowing I am not alone. It’s hard to admit I am “that” girl. My neighbors are blessed but it was one of those moments where I am sure I benefitted more than they did. May we both keep our eyes on what is front of us and in the process notice what God has placed before us.
I’ve been that girl who looked the other way all too many times. But God is so good and faithful that He keeps showing me opportunities to choose Him.
God is faithful and has provided me with multiple opportunities if I miss the first, second, third, etc. I wish I wasn’t that girl but God is patient and willing to teach me the same lesson again if I need it. Thank you for sharing.
Raising my hand here, too. God gave me a “now” moment Sunday. I know the importance of greeting visitors at church, but it’s one of the hardest things for me to do. But Sunday God placed a couple right in front of me and gave me grace to start a conversation. Usually once I stop thinking about it and just get started, it’s fine and the conversation flows. May He give me grace to choose right the next time as well.
I love your “now” moment. I am like you that if I stop thinking about what could be and just begin, I find I have the words or whatever else I need to carry the moment. God is good to provide what we need. I pray you find grace in the process of stepping out into more “now” moments.
Love this, Mary. Your words have me thinking of so many NOW moments in the past and grows my anticipation for more. Lord, give my eyes to see. Have a beauty-full day. In Christ, Julie
Did you find any “now” moments today at your school crossing post? It is easy to find them if you are looking but when you aren’t looking God still has them available for us to discover. May we all have eyes to see what God is waiting for us to uncover.