I shuffled down the driveway dragging my garbage can behind me. My thoughts centered on myself and to be honest the voice in my head was not very flattering. I couldn’t wait to hole up inside with my feet up on the couch. That was the plan until I lifted my eyes off of the asphalt and saw two of my neighbors in my line of vision. This was my “now” moment.

Neighbors Who Need Neighbors

Two thoughts crossed my mind in the same instant: I could pretend I didn’t see my neighbors and shuffle on inside or I could greet them and spend time with them. God places “now” moments in front of us to allow tension to exist between right and wrong; to show us we have a choice; to allow us to choose love, and to know that honoring Him is part of the mix.

On this particular day, I looked my neighbors in the eye and shouted a “hello.” We gathered on the patio and talked for two hours.

Throughout the conversation, I assumed these two ladies, who are significantly older than me, needed this time together. I left there knowing I was the neighbor who needed my neighbors.

Trust that God Knows Best

All it took was eye contact and a “hello.” One “yes” in the middle of my day changed not only my outlook but my neighbors as well. Choosing to say “yes” to an opportunity right in front of me seems easy enough. Finding the “now” moment doesn’t have to be difficult but I have a way of making it that way.

Have you ever done that? Gone out of your way in the grocery store to avoid saying “hi” to a friend or kept your head down in class so the teacher doesn’t call on you? I’m raising my hand over here because I have done both. What about you?

God asks for us to trust Him. He calls us to love others knowing that somedays it looks and feels hard. God never pushes us into awkward situations but challenges us to step out of our comfort zones. He knows what’s best especially when we don’t. God invites us to sit with our neighbors, say “hi” to that friend in the grocery store and even to lift our eyes off of our feet to see the beauty in front of us. It’s as simple as being present in the moment.

My battle cry should sound like “Trust in the Lord with all my heart” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Trust when it’s hard, when it’s easy, when I don’t want to and especially when the enemy steps in the way.

Recognizing the “Now” Moment

Maybe raising my eyes to see my neighbors and saying “hi” will help me to recognize the next “now” moment. Maybe all it takes is looking beyond my agenda to God’s plan. The question I keep asking is “will I recognize when God calls me to stop and look up”?

I’m just the girl trying not to make the same mistakes over and over. What if God invites both of us to pause before making a hasty decision to recognize His voice in the “yes or no”.

Will I recognize when God calls me to stop and look up? I'm just the girl trying not to make the same mistakes over and over. #newpost #TellHisStory #linkup #nowmoment Share on X

Together let’s try to make the most of any “now” moments that are placed in our path. I believe we can learn to:

Keep our eyes off the ground and on God who calls us to so much more.

Say “hi” and join our neighbors knowing the blessing is usually more for us than for them.

Invite a friend for coffee and create a space for our own moment.

Recognize that trusting God will lead us in the way we should go.

Your own ears will hear him.
    Right behind you a voice will say,
“This is the way you should go,”
    whether to the right or to the left. Isaiah 30:21 NLT

I am repeating the words to the verse above. The reminder that God will always show me the way is one I need daily. What about you? Will you join me?

Starting here, starting now, let’s remember that we have the best opportunities to not only be a blessing but to be blessed in the process.


#TellHisStory Link Up
Each week we gather here as storytellers, word weavers, and encouragers to make His name known. Our story is God’s story and this small corner of the blogging world, where we come together each Tuesday, needs you. This is a place where poetry, snapshots, prayers, and stories find a safe spot to nod in agreement that what we have to say matters.
I am glad you are here and would love to have you join the #TellHisStory community. Add your own encouraging post through the link below. Spread some love by visiting your neighbor and leave your own encouragement. Add the #TellHisStory button to your post so others can join in on the fun. Click HERE to get the button.
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