For years, I believed my mom was thirty-nine years old. Even after we celebrated another birthday mom always declared she was thirty-nine and in her defense, she looked great. When my brothers and I were young, we took mom’s age at face value and didn’t question the similarity year after year. Over the years, each of my siblings, including myself, snuck into mom and dad’s bedroom, found her wallet and pulled out her driver’s license to find out the truth. We each held this secret close until more recently when we began to share memories and the question of mom’s age was the topic.

Celebrating who you are as well as the gift of experience and wisdom comes with the blessing of each birthday. My mom didn’t mind celebrating as long as her real age was not divulged. I want to change that today. This past Sunday I celebrated the gift of sixty years on this earth. I want you to leave here today with a new perspective on aging because “who says getting older isn’t fun”?

1960 was a very good year

The year was 1960. The age of the Baby Boomers was on the downhill slide. The era of peace, love, and joy was diminishing. I was born at the dawn of a new decade with so much hope and promise. My parents were certainly thrilled because, after the birth of my two older brothers, they now had their baby girl. Two younger brothers followed but I’m the “rose among thorns.” (Just kidding)

One of the most popular names at the time was “Mary.” How fitting. I knew a lot of Marys and had an experience while teaching where every teacher in my hallway was named “Mary” or some form of it. Growing up in the ’60s was simple, fun, and easy. Playing involved anything you could find to do outside on the days it wasn’t raining or coming up with new ways to occupy your time inside when the weather was not cooperating. Think of roller skating in the basement, playing school, board games, and more. Outside fun looked like riding bikes, baseball or football in the backyard, Kick the Can and Ghost in the Graveyard. Growing up with four brothers gave me access to “friends” on the days the neighborhood kids weren’t free to play. If you knew me when I was young, life was what I made it–no more, no less.

Life Lessons

As I grew from childhood into adulthood, I relied on the foundation my parents provided for me to lean on when life became bigger and more difficult. I have loved every age, some more than others. Now that I reached the magic age of sixty, I love the relationship I have with my sons, DILs, and grandson. My life experience paves the way for me to share the ups and downs with friends and family. I love the person I am most days and believe God still has so much more for me. And, I am trying to live out the question, “who says getting older isn’t fun”?

Here are some life lessons I am working on but also believe in:

You WILL talk like your parents. It’s inevitable. The first time I said “Because I said so” when my sons asked “why” I literally looked around to see if my mom had transported herself into the room.

Embrace your age in every stage of life. God loves you no matter your age. Love yourself as well.

Share your gifts, talents, and resources. God has grown an abundance of everything in my heart, mind, and soul. It is my job and honor to share this fruitfulness with others.

Move every day. Hopefully not just from the couch to the kitchen and back. This is one I am working on but the days I am more active are the days I am more productive.

Love the ones you’re with. Love well and often because life is short and uncertain. God first loved us so we could pass on His love to all those we encounter.

And begin each day thanking God for the gift of a new day. It is such a perspective-changer and immediately allows you to focus on the One who created you as His son/daughter.

Come celebrate my birthday with me over on the blog. Hop on over for some reflections and a giveaway. #celebrate #itsmybirthday #giveaway #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X

As I celebrate another year of living, I need to remind myself that God blesses me on the good and the bad days. He loves me more than I love myself and always will. I am nothing without God and my best self with Him. Just think, God created the sun and moon and you and me and called it good. Very good.

Let’s believe there is always more to come as a child of God. And when we know this we can say, “who says getting older isn’t fun”?


And now it’s time for you to join me in the celebration. Leave a comment below for a chance to win one of three gifts:

A mug and $15 Starbucks gift card

Beth Moore’s new book releasing today- Chasing Vines: Finding Your Way to an Immensely Fruitful Life

A set of three of my favorite journals

Leave a comment and if you really love what you read, subscribe below for a weekly email from me to you. This will count as an extra entry. Giveaway ends Sunday, February 9 at midnight EST. Winners will be announced on Monday.

**We will return to the Enneagram series next week with Michele Morin. You do not want to miss this Enneagram 3 describe the ins and outs of her personality type.

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