Looking back over the last five years, it feels like a blur. The combination of major life changes and loss, mixed with dreams and an open heart brought me to where I am today. There was no magic formula. Many times I believed “stuck” was where I would end up in the “not yet” where waiting stretched and yawned into another day of waiting.

The season was marked by wishing, waiting, and willingness. Somedays all three converged in a happy melody. Other days the waiting far outweighed the other two. Now as I stand on the other side of those five years, I see more clearly. Life is a series of steps that lead us through seasons where wishes are born, waiting grows us into who God created us to be, and nothing exists without a willingness to persevere through the hard.

The Wish

Children wish upon a star or the fluff of a dandelion before it is blown across the yard. Then you become an adult and your wishes slowly find their way to the surface but don’t always look like you imagined when they arrive.

I took a deep dive into Advent five years ago. It seemed fitting and opened a door to purpose as I pushed back against the challenges that weighed me down. In this place of awakening, my soul stirred with the possibilities of living Advent with intentionality and purpose. An endeavor not just marked by the four weeks leading up to Christmas, but for a lifetime.

Three years ago, the seed for this book, The Advent Narrative, was planted. After sharing the idea with a few trusted friends and family members, I let it go almost as quickly. But God’s good ideas don’t just disappear. He pursued me and never let me forget the seed of the Advent message that He planted in my heart.

The Waiting

God takes us along a path that is perfect for us. It’s based on our life plan and choices and many times pull us into periods of waiting. As I grow older, I experience more time of waiting. Maybe, God believes I have more patience. I know that isn’t necessarily true. The experience of not knowing what is next is what I needed to develop a foundation for creating a book that expresses the wilderness season that occurs when walking through Advent.

I am the person who has trouble letting go of the familiar and comfortable. I hold on tight believing that is best. When I began to loosen my grip and explore what Advent people do, I found there was more peace on the other side.

This life of mine looks like holding on tight, waiting for the next right thing, and believing in the One who loved me enough to write me into HIS story. But what I am learning is how the grace of God prepares us for each new day, and in this time of in-between, you and I have the blessing of living daily as an Advent person—one who is expectant, hope-filled, and ready to receive the gifts of God.

The Advent Narrative

The Willingness to Persevere

Maybe you are in your own wilderness season. Maybe you are learning how to stand strong and persevere even when nothing looks familiar. Wilderness living is not for the faint of heart. It takes intentionality, patience, and perseverance.

It was only in the lowest moments that I found God was still there and He was never going to let go. He gave me the strength to keep going.

God always has an open invitation available for us to follow Him. It is free and full of the gift of grace when we say “yes.” God also invites us to walk through every chapter of our lives–the good, the hard, the challenging, the grief-filled, and joyful–as Advent people.

Let's choose wishing, waiting, and willingness this Advent and every day of our lives. God is waiting for you to say "yes" to knowing Him better and walking out a life that reflects His love. #newbookcomingsoon #TheAdventNarrative Share on X

Coming Next Week

This beautiful book will be available next week to buy on Amazon. Holding the book in my hands will be amazing. It is one of God’s good ideas that was ordained by Him three years ago. Seeing it come full circle is watching my wish come true. It is embracing that waiting is necessary when moving towards a finish line, and a look back shows the willingness I claimed to keep the momentum going.

Join the journey of becoming Advent people this year. Learn how to prepare your hearts, walk in expectancy, and hold onto the hope of Jesus as we wait for Him to come again. The Advent Narrative: The Life You Didn’t Know You Were Already Living will be available November 10 in e-book or paperback.

Let’s choose wishing, waiting, and willingness this Advent and every day of our lives. God is waiting for you to say “yes” to knowing Him better and walking out a life that reflects His love.

The more you all share about my book, the more people will have the opportunity to engage in its message. Please take a minute and share it on your favorite social media platforms.

Thank you,

Enjoy a synopsis of the book HERE.




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