Sabbath Offerings ~ The Security Blanket

Sabbath Offerings ~ The Security Blanket

He rubbed the silky edge, thumb moving back and forth, and curled up in bed. The white blanket, printed with primary colors, eventually took its spot next to his head as he fell asleep. Toddlers are creatures of habit and the security blanket became part of the...

A Pull Heavenward ~ A Book Review

A Pull Heavenward ~ A Book Review

The all encompassing description of home as a safe place, the haven for family, a place where we are always welcome or where we establish roots, speaks of an earthly home. It reminds me of the answer one of my students gave me when we studied "homes" in Social...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Release in the Waiting

Sabbath Offerings ~ Release in the Waiting

I stood on the sidelines of the asphalt court, baked by the hot summer sun. The volley of balls back and forth across the net mesmerized me. I ran to collect scattered balls and threw them back to my mom when she signaled for one. The release of the ball at the right...



Pieces of felt, scraps of material, and yarn filled a plastic bin to the point the lid barely fit. Remnants of years of teaching peeked out the sides as I worked to declutter a year ago. A teacher saves everything knowing that someday each and every scrap will be put...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Paul and Timothy

Sabbath Offerings ~ Paul and Timothy

Have you ever stopped to think who you identify with more? Do you feel more like a son or daughter, brother or sister or father or mother? Does your life reflect one of someone seeking or found? What about Paul and Timothy- who do you relate to more? I am in the...

The Teal Door

The Teal Door

Teal is my new favorite color. Teal furniture and decorations highlight this color throughout my house. The color makes me happy. When I began this year and God placed the word surrender on my heart as my one word for the year, He also showed me pictures of teal doors...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Release

Sabbath Offerings ~ Release

The conversation hummed non-stop in the local restaurant. Voices mingled with the background music and TVs spouting news or sports. Table tops displayed meals shared by couples, friends, and families. As I sat across from my friend, I realized how easy friendship is...

Monthly Musings ~ February 2018

Monthly Musings ~ February 2018

They say as you get older time flies by faster. As much as I don't like to admit I am older, there is truth in that old adage. For the sake of this February recap post, I am going to blame how quickly the month of February flew by on the fact that it is a short month....

Sabbath Offerings ~ Generation

Sabbath Offerings ~ Generation

In a world that changes as fast as the clouds move across the sky on a windy day, it is difficult to find those things that are constant. When we glance out the window and see sunshine one minute and in the next see nothing but gray skies, we wonder how we will ever...

A Daily Refining

A Daily Refining

This is my year of surrender. A daily refining of my identity to become the best "me" God created. Letting go to receive the precious grace God holds out freely. A journey of laying down self to make space for the new creation God promises. The process somedays is...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Are We Bleeding Out?

Sabbath Offerings ~ Are We Bleeding Out?

Are We Bleeding Out? Brokenness defines us, surrounds us and refines us. A world watches complacent and numb While life passes without a second glance. Daily events interrupt elusive peace, but many of us turn the other way. I ask again, are we bleeding out? When...

Do You Trust God’s Plan?

Do You Trust God’s Plan?

Do you trust God's plan? How would you answer that? I'm embarrassed to say that my answer depends on the day. I consider what kind of day I am having. Then I look at how things are going for me - is life running smoothly or is it challenging? I put stipulations on my...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Inheritance

Sabbath Offerings ~ Inheritance

I love Sundays. Church is at 5:00 PM so I have most of the day to sit, settle, listen and be with God. Moving slowly makes me happy rather than the daily challenge of moving fast to catch up with myself. Today I am asking you to sit with me as I share my thoughts and...

Is Your Purpose Tied Up in Self-Preservation?

Is Your Purpose Tied Up in Self-Preservation?

Recently as I was driving in the car, listening to one of my favorite podcasts, my heart almost seemed to stop beating. I"m in the zone listening and watching the road. In the next second, I hear the words, "we focus on self-preservation over perseverance." At that...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Me First!

Sabbath Offerings ~ Me First!

I loved the age when both of my sons began discovering their voices. The string of syllables followed by first words and eventually a full sentence mesmerized this momma's heart. As they both became toddlers, a little competition developed between the two of them. One...

Hi, I’m Mary!

I am a retired elementary school teacher and the mom of two grown sons.
I’m also a woman seeking God in the ordinary routines of life.
Learn a little bit of my grace journey HERE

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