Sometimes things we believe about ourselves for years change in a instant. Things like I am very patient or hospitality is not my gift. So let me ask you a question as I try to sift through some of the things that are changing. Are you good at waiting? What does it look like when answers are elusive and the next thing is nowhere on the horizon?
I always thought I was a patient person. I was a teacher for thirty years, for goodness sake. That requires patience, right? But in seasons of staying put, patience hangs on by a thread. You might not notice from the outside, but my insides are a jumble.
Now before you conclude I am a complete mess, let’s pause to catch more of the backstory.
About a month ago, I began looking for a part-time job. I do realize I am retired, but I am ready for connection and a little more routine to my day. Plus if you didn’t see my exciting news on Facebook, I am going to be a grandma! And yes, I plan to spoil this grand baby.
I completed all the things necessary for the job, clicked “send” and sat back rather proud of myself. A waiting game ensued. This is where the rubber meets the road. I asked earlier “Are you good at waiting”? What do you do during times of waiting for answers, interviews, or anything that points you in the direction you hope to go?
Impatience found me as well as swirling thoughts of all the reasons why I was not hearing back about my application and resume.
I’m under qualified, over qualified, too old, my skills don’t line up with the job, or maybe my application is lost in cyber space. Have you been there, anyone, ANYONE???
Instead of resting in the place where I’m known and loved just because, I created a space of anxious thoughts and wasted energy. Overwhelming, consuming, and controlling days led to worry over a situation that accomplished little. Does this sound familiar?
All the years I believed I knew how to wait flew out the window over a part-time job. The peace I desired was nowhere near. I forgot the One who works on my behalf every minute of everyday. Then these words crossed my path in my reading:
You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will. John 13:7 NLT
Jesus is washing His disciples’ feet and Peter is protesting saying, “you will never wash my feet.” At this time, Jesus is trying to teach the disciples that they are not completely clean until their feet are washed. The deeper meaning is not lost on me in my time of worry.
God knew the power of these words. I needed to come clean. The output of time spent in worry needed to turn into time with God. All the worry in the world would not secure this position.
So let me ask one more time “are you good at waiting”? If so, what does this look like? If you struggle, like me, what can you do to shift your worry to God who provides peace and understanding?
Friends …
God is always with us. Always. He is in our worry and peace, our heartache and love, and impatience and patience.
We can trust the One who always has the best plan. What looks cloudy becomes clear when we turn it over to God.
Taking deep breaths makes room for sacred space. God meets us where our inhale overlaps with our exhale.
God takes the worry out of worry by restoring our hearts with hope and peace.
Finally, let me assure you all, God cares more about your worry than you ever will. He adores you even when you let impatience and anxiousness consume you. There is nothing about you that God finds irritating or cumbersome. You are beautiful because you are created in the image of our beautiful God.
[Tweet “Taking deep breaths makes room for God to meet us in the overlap of our inhale with our exhale.”]
And now the story continues …
What seemed like many weeks later, I did get a part-time job. Not the one I originally applied for, but at the same place I applied.
Meet your new local library associate! Do the glasses help??
P.S. One of the chapters that impacted me greatly from Jennifer Dukes Lee’s new book, It’s All Under Control, was about waiting. I kept circling back to it over and over hoping that the more I read it, the better I would be at waiting. Well, there’s no guarantee, but I do know that Jennifer’s book will bless you if you choose busy over best, need to surrender your control to God, or learn how to live the best life that God chose for you. You can buy your own copy at Amazon by clicking HERE. If you do end up reading It’s All Under Control, let me know what you think. (Affiliate link included)
Last week’s post included a big giveaway of fifty of Jennifer Dukes Lee’s new book. Head back there to enter if you haven’t already. You have until September 30th.

Mary, what a beautiful post! So much good truth in here. I am NOT good at waiting. But, God keeps reminding me that His timing for things and His way of bringing things about is the best way. When I begin to get anxious or worried, He reminds me that “He’s got it. And me.” And I settle back in to yielding to Him. And trusting Him.
I so appreciated this: “Taking deep breaths makes room for sacred space. God meets us where our inhale overlaps with our exhale.”
I want—I need—more of that sacred space in my life right now.
Have a great weekend, my friend!
Sorry I missed responding to this comment last week. I always smile when I see you pop up in the conversation.
God is so patient with us even as we try to push forward in our own way and own time. The best part of waiting is that the end result is always better than we can imagine when we allow God to do what He does best. I am praying for you and all who struggle with waiting. May God bless us with His sacred space as we face seasons of waiting.
I love this! – “Taking deep breaths makes room for sacred space. God meets us where our inhale overlaps with our exhale.”
Thank you, Laura! Isn’t that a beautiful image of our faithful God?
He’s an On Time God, as the song says, but I do still have a problem waiting. It’s always great to remind myself of all the times He has come through for me before!
Congrats on the library job (surely that has to be one of the best jobs for we bloggers!) and more importantly, congrats on your grandbaby. I tell you, as most grandmothers will, there is absolutely nothing like it! My three have lightened up my life, for sure!
God’s timing is perfect because He is always on time. And yes, the reminder of God’s faithfulness provides the perspective we need.
Thank you for your sweet words of congratulations. I am excited about both, but mostly about being a grandma. Blessings on the rest of your week!
Oh man! Waiting is so hard! I say I’m okay with it, but I’m constantly trying to skip chapters (usually to catch up with someone or be where I *think* I should be.)
But God is good and gives me so much grace. I know God has me making some changes professionally. Updating things, moving forward. My inclination is to try to do ALL.THE.THINGS at once. But He is showing me that I’m not supposed to be on that chapter yet. I’m working on doing “My Next 3 Steps.”
It’s helping (I think!)
I understand the part about trying to catch up with someone or be where I think I should be. The best part in this process is how God does extend grace and loves us just the same. Your next three steps sound like what I describe as baby steps. God is only calling me to take one step at a time. He wants to see me continue to move forward. It sounds like He is doing the same with you.
Oh, a job at the library! Bliss!
And no, I am not very good in the waiting room. It’s too easy to get swept up by frustration, disappointment, and sadness.
Thanks for the needed reminder that He most certainly does care and has the perfect place for us. I found that out this past week …
Mary, Isn’t it interesting that our journeys continue to mesh?
oh oh and being a grandma!
i’m so happy for you … it just doesn’t get any better.
what joy!
I was hoping you saw this good news too. I can’t wait to be a grandma!!!
I know! A job at the library is perfect for me.
I love how God continues to bring us together for such a time as this. I wish you didn’t have to go through your own experience of waiting, but God is so good to bring us through to the other side. Blessings and prayers!
Congratulations!! I always thought working in a library would be so fun! Praying it brings you the type of connections you long for. 🙂
Thank you, Rachel! I appreciate your prayers.
I would LOVE to work at a library! I pray you find it fulfilling and beneficial to your family.
I’ll let you know how it goes, but I am expecting it to be wonderful. Thank you for stopping by.
Yes, I’ve been there! Waiting to hear back is probably harder to me than rejection is!! Congrats on your job! The glasses totally work! 🙂
I agree! Waiting to hear back just about did me in. And thanks for the compliment on my glasses! 😉 Blessed you stopped by.
Aww! Congratulations on becoming a part-time librarian AND a soon-to-be granny! That’s so awesome! You’ll love both of those things. I’m with you. I don’t really like to wait. But I’m learning to just be quiet in my seasons of waiting and not try to rush God along my time line. It’s not easy.
Thanks, Anita! I know I will enjoy both. I think I need to hang out with you to practice and learn how to just be quiet in a season of waiting. It is not easy and I know God will continue to teach me.
Oh, Mary, I can so identify with you. I think I’m a pretty patient person, but you know, sometimes it’s really hard to wait when God says wait. But it’s so much better to trust Him and His timing and not waste time worrying. He’s got it all under control anyway, right? 🙂 Blessings to you!
When I think about how much time is wasted on things that God already has under control, I shouldn’t ever do it again. But, in my imperfection, I lean toward what feels comfortable instead of God. I appreciate you joining in the conversation.
Mary, what a great post! Congratulations on your new position and soon-to-be grandchild! Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ encourages me in my waiting with these two wonderful Scriptures from the Living Bible:
It was spring break of my senior year in high school. I was invited to attend a Young Life inner city retreat. During the quiet time, I took my Living Bible and sat down under a tree. My Bible fell open to this Scripture, and a bright ray of sunlight shining through the tree seemed to highlight it on the page and inscribe it on my heart…
We are saved by trusting. And trusting means looking forward to getting something we don’t yet have—for a man who already has something doesn’t need to hope and trust that he will get it. But if we must keep trusting God for something that hasn’t happened yet, it teaches us to wait patiently and confidently. Romans 8:24-25 TLB
Now, years later, the same message from this Scripture in the same Living Bible…
But these things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day! Habakkuk 2:3 TLB
Many blessings to you, friend ❤️
Thank you for your kind words. The two scriptures you shared are such an affirmation as to how God sees waiting. I especially love the words from Habakkuk. I will be diving deeper into those this week. Blessed to have you here, Beth!
Dear Mary,
Congratulations on the new job, and on becoming a Grandma! Yay!! I always considered myself a patient person too, until God began lifting the covers there a few years ago. Patience in the middle of pain? Not so much. But I love these words you shared, because it is exactly where God has been meeting me: “Taking deep breaths makes room for sacred space. God meets us where our inhale overlaps with our exhale.” Thank you for these beautiful thoughts today.
Hi Mary! What looks cloudy becomes clear when we turn it over to God. My heart needed this truth today. Congratulations on the wonderful gift of a grandbaby and new job! God is good!
Congrats’ Library Associate!
Good for you!! Yes, the glasses help, but you are not the stereotypical librarian I remember from days of old lol. As soon as I read the title of your post, I answered, “NO!” I am not good at waiting at all. If there is one thing God has refined in me, it’s the ability to wait patiently. When I arrive, I’ll let you know. Great post…and yes, I’m posting two weeks in a row…wow! Good to be here.
Bev xx
Thank you sweet friend! I am excited for the new beginning. God is working on me too and Jennifer’s book has helped me in this process. I am thrilled you posted two weeks in a row. I love reading your words.
Congratulations, Grandma! How exciting! Congratulations on your new job, too! I hope all goes well with baby and mama and with your new job, too. 🙂 I can totally identify with this – “Instead of resting in the place where I’m known and loved just because, I created a space of anxious thoughts and wasted energy.” Thank you for the encouraging thoughts of our caring God! Love and hugs to you, Mary!
Thank you, Trudy! I’m glad you identified with the words you highlighted above, but on the other hand, I don’t wish for anyone to feel anxious. It certainly is something that I have experienced. I so love having you here and being able to read your sweet words here in the comments.
Wowzers! a job! Waiting? I’m better than I used to be and not as good as I will be. LOL
I know, right!!! A job and a soon to be Mimi! God is good. If you are better at waiting, I think you need to teach me.
Congratulations on your new job, Mary! I’m sure a job at the library will be perfect for you. And it’s so exciting to hear the news that you’re going to be a grandma too!
I definitely find waiting hard, and a lot of the struggle is with the lack of control. I love the verse you highlight from John and the reminder that God does know what he’s doing in the times of waiting, even if we can’t see it at the time.
Thank you, Lesley! The job is exciting but the idea of being a grandma is beyond words. 🙂 The verse from John seemed to jump off the page as I was reading and I know it was God’s way of getting my attention. Thank you for being here.
Congratulations on the new job! I worked at a university library through college and enjoyed it a lot. I’m not in the market for a job, but if I was, our little neighborhood branch library would be a lovely place to work.
I can’t say I am especially good at waiting – I don’t know anyone who is. But I try to remind myself over and over – and over and over again, as often as necessary – that whatever it is, God has it under control and will bring about the answer in His perfect timing. And then I try to distract myself by keeping busy so I don’t keep thinking about it. 🙂
I also worked at my college library throughout college and loved it. There is something so exciting about working again. It’s hard to describe.
I am not sure I know anyone who is good at waiting either. I love how you remind yourself how God is in control as your way to combat the waiting blues. Thank you for sharing this! I love seeing you here each week.
Love this story and how wonderfully the Lord blessed and surprised you with what sounds like a terrific option. To be surrounded by books all day is a wondrous thing (minus the fact my reading list would just keep growing and growing)! Congrats on this new season and I hope it is a blessed one for you!
I already have a long reading list, but this way I am hoping I can have first dibs on some of the must read books. 😉 I am excited about the chance to work again but a little nervous. That’s to be expected. I always love seeing your here, Pam and reading your insight in the comments.
The glasses look great! Congratulations on the part-time job! I’ve been working through anxiety lately. Proactive is a context word of mine, and in every job situation I’ve prepared myself for the next step and things fell into place very nicely! However, I don’t have clarity around what preparations to make for my next step currently, and even what it is! And time seems to be getting shorter so want to know! It’s a big unknown and I am probably driving my friends crazy with trying to figure it out when I could just let go and trust! Great timely post. Thank you Mary.
I only wear the glasses when I am tired of my contacts, but I do love them! Oh, thank you for sharing your heart and what life looks like currently. I feel like the last three years since I retired have been so long, but at the same time it felt fast. I understand the place of not knowing what is next but all I know is that by taking baby steps I knew what worked and what didn’t. God honors our willingness to continue to move forward even in the unknowing. And I am sure you are not driving your friends crazy. 😉
I love it! Congratulations, Mary. Of course, a library associate is right up my alley. I LOVED working at the library some years back. Actually, one of my favorite jobs!! Yes, the waiting is tough…feels like the length of that growth in the second photo of yours. Forever!! love you and congrats on being a Grandma too!
Thank you, Linda! I love knowing that you worked at a library and loved it. Growth to the naked eye looks like it takes forever, but to God the timing is perfect. And I can’t wait to be a grandma! Blessed to have you here today, Linda!
Oh . . . a job at the library! What a great idea!
And I know EXACTLY what you mean about impatiently haunting my inbox, waiting for the response to something that seems earth-shatteringly important. I think it all goes back to Jennifer’s book: When we are waiting for a response, we have lost control of the situation and forgotten that God is in charge of all our unknowns.
I could see you loving a job at the library, Michele! And yes, thank you for referring to Jennifer’s book. It truly came at just the right time for me as I was struggling through this time of waiting. I can’t wait to read your thoughts about Jennifer’s book.
Congratulations on the job, Mary! How wonder-full to be around books and people who love them. Me, the answer is sometimes I am good at waiting when I free fall into His trust. Step by step in His grace when I fall away rather than to Him. Have a blessed Tuesday. In Christ, Julie
Thank you, Julie! It will be wonderful to be around people and books. I love your idea of free falling and I wish I did it more often. God certainly loves when we do that. Have a wonderful week!