My brother sat across from me with only a table separating us. The kitchen echoed with silence. All you could hear was the inhale and exhale of our breath with an air of intensity around us. All I remember is the challenge words that my brother said a minute earlier. “Don’t blink.” That’s all it took for the staring contest to begin.
There were a lot of staring contests growing up. With four brothers, there was bound to be a challenge thrown down from one of them. All it took was two words “don’t blink” for everything else to stop.
Pausing in the Moment
It’s one thing to stop for a staring contest, but it is a totally different thing to pause in the middle of the day or before finishing a task. Pausing in the moment is the idea of being present to what is going on around you.
I am the person who will stop when challenged by someone else. You might even say I am a little competitive. At first glance, you might not see this side of me, but can I say “four brothers”? 🙂
After last week’s post about finding our “now” moments, I realized this is one lesson that is not going away anytime soon. This week all it took was two trees sitting half in and half out of the water to bring me right back to the place of noticing, looking up, and being present.

Look at this beauty. A splash of Fall right in the middle of summer green. The unexpected color stopped my footsteps. It’s the pause that brings me to the present but one I could easily miss if I blinked and kept my eyes on the path.
The challenge of pausing
What will it take to not blink?
I never was very good at the staring contest. All it took was one silly face from my brother to break my concentration. I am sure I lost more often than I won but in those few seconds or maybe even a minute, everything else ceased to exist.
Isn’t that what God calls us to do when we spend time with Him? Put a hold on distractions and focus on what is right in front of us. Stop adding to and instead pull away from what overwhelms us. Maybe, it is the idea that we allow ourselves to notice God’s beauty by slowing down throughout the day.

All I know is that the practice of noticing is one that I need to continue daily. Maybe, you feel that way too. God has the patience for you and me when we make mistakes along the way.
All I know is that the practice of noticing is one I need to continue. What about you? New post on the blog- Don't Blink. #TellHisStory #newpost #linkup Share on XHere is what I am going to try this week and as I move forward. Let’s try this together because walking the road of learning is so much fun together.
Say “hello”. So simple, right? I’m going to say “hello” in the grocery store, when I am out walking, to my neighbors, and even at church. Who knows what God might do with that one “hello.”
Sit on the patio with my neighbors. This time I am going to invite them to sit with me. The weather here is turning to Fall and it’s the perfect time for some porch sittin’. 🙂
Start my day with this prayer: “What do you have for me today, Lord”! Can you imagine what it will feel like to open your heart and mind to what God has planned?
Don’t blink! This time it won’t be because of a staring contest. Instead, my eyes will stay open to possibilities. God possibilities. I am going to be a noticer rather than an ignorer. An inviter instead of an avoider. And a greeter instead of a snubber.
God knows our messiness and still loves us. He hears our cries and still pulls us into His embrace. God sees our downcast eyes and all that we miss and says “I’ll give you another chance.” God never quits. Will you?

P.S. The words from Matthew 10:38 seem so fitting that I wanted to add them here for all of you.
If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.
Don’t blink because next week is “featured writer” week. I am not sure how the time goes by so fast but here we are again. Next week, please help me welcome Susan Shipe. She writes at Hope Heart Home and is a prolific author of many books. I know you will love her as much as I do.
Photo by Krzysztof Kowalik on Unsplash
Love this message. laurensparks.net
Thank you, Lauren!
Oh, Mary, I love what you said.
“Pausing in the moment is the idea of being present to what is going on around you.”
Can I make a graphic and quote you?
Thank you, Maree! God continues to teach me similar lessons about being present and noticing what is around me. You are more than welcome to make a graphic. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Mary, thank you. I just did a live post earlier and mentioned you but I think I forgot to say your name.. I added this post to the comments of mine for people to find you.
You mentioned my first name. Thank you for including the link to my site in the comments.
I remember playing the Don’t Blink game with my siblings and with my own kids. 🙂 Maybe one day I’ll get to play it with my grandkids.
I know I am too easily distracted so thanks for this advice, Mary!
Maybe I will play it with my grandson too. I pray we see what God wants us to see and include others with a simple smile or hello.
In an overwhelm season currently, I’ve pulled back to pause by being intentional about creating space for self-care, for doing things just ’cause instead of for goals. However, like your staring contest, can get distracted, and that overwhelm creeps in again! It takes time to slow ourselves down when in the habit of distracting with busyness! I love the fall colours too, the cooler days and smell of dry leaves! May you have many moment enjoying your porch with your neighbours this week, Mary!
God keeps pulling me back into slowing down and noticing after many years of overwhelm. It definitely takes time and it is easy to get distracted. I am so glad God is on my side. My little taste of fall is gone this week with temperatures back in the 90s. Ugh! Hoping it is cool and beautiful where you are.
Yes, that we may see others through the eyes of Jesus & love them with His love!
Thank you for saying what I was saying so simply and perfectly. Blessings on your week!
A message close to my heart these years, though I always think I’ve figured it out and then realize I need more practice. Ha! Love the autumn peek too!
I’m glad I am not the only one who needs more practice. I have figured it out many times and then I turn around and have forgotten everything I knew. Love seeing you here, Meghan!
I love the little glimpses of beauty you shared in your photos! It is important to keep our eyes open so that we don’t miss what God has for us.
I love finding beauty. Now I need to notice people and opportunities in my neighborhood. I pray we continue to see what God has for us.
FOUR brothers? Oh girlfriend… *smile* Thanks for the welcome prelude to next week. So kind of you and I love you too just don’t take me into a photo booth. 😉
Four brothers and I’m right in the middle. I can’t wait to share your words next week. And I promise I won’t take you into a photo booth.;)
Yes! I love this, Mary. I’m a big fan of eye contact … these days, it’s kind of a gift, I think.
Eye contact is a gift these days. I look around even when my family is together and many of us are distracted by phones. Here’s to noticing and being present because it is part of the legacy Jesus left for us.
You’ve made it sound very simple and doable, Mary! Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you!
It does sound easy but the reality is that it isn’t always. Praying we let God take the lead and show us “now” moments that we take advantage of. Blessings!
Thank you again for sharing your stories and your beautiful photos. I so long to keep my eyes open to what Jesus will bring to me in these days too. It’s too easy to get caught up in what I think is necessary, and so miss His grace gifts. They are here, even in my slowed-down life. Thank you dear sister for the precious reminder.
You are a wonderful noticer of God’s beauty. It shows in your words and in your own pictures. I think a slowed-down life is a blessing that many people wish they had. Thank you for your encouragement. Blessings!
I so love this encouragement to be present right where we are, to notice the people, places, and things that surround us, to slow way back on our frantic busyness and stop, literally, to smell the roses.
First, I have to shut down my phone.
You always inspire me to take the long way rather than tidying things up quickly. You have many beautiful posts that do just that. May we both put down our phones and enjoy the week.
I definitely need to work on noticing more!
Love your photos. Your part of the country is very similar to mine, and I notice we take a lot of the same sort of photos.
(See what I did there? LOL)
Wonderful post!
I live in Ohio and I found when I visited California several months ago that the part I visited looked similar in some ways to home too. I love that you are noticing the things we have in common. Blessings!
It’s so easy to get caught up in busyness, eyes straight ahead, and miss all the miracles God places along the path. May God give us eyes to see His hand at work.
I am praying your prayer with you. May God give us all eyes to notice His beauty in all things. May you have a wonderful week of noticing.
I love your closing lines, Mary. They remind me that His mercies are new each morning. Each day is filled with opportunities to slow down and notice the beauty around us, so we can praise God for His works, His love for us. I’m noticing now the beautiful flowers in front of me. A friend brought them on Sunday. I don’t want to blink!
The words from Lamentations 3:23 are some of my favorites. It is such a beautiful gift of grace from our Father who loves us dearly. I sure love having you here each week.
Good morning Mary. This post was lovely in word, thought, and photos. This portion of a line hit me: “… there is so much more to the ordinary than what we first think” … I want to pause today, being still before Him and see what God will do with my ordinary day.
Thank you for always noticing a part of my post that speaks directly to you. That means so much. I also agree that God has a way of taking our ordinary and making it into so much more. Blessings!
Love this reminder to notice, to be aware and really see what is around us.
Thank you for showing truth and hope (as always!)
You are a sweet encourager. Thank you for recognizing the truth and hope in my words. Have a good week.
Good words as usual, Mary. And I continue to admire your eye for outdoor beauty.
Really looking forward to hearing from Susan next week.
You are so sweet. I just take God’s lead and hit publish. That sounds easy. It does take more time most weeks but it is worth it. I know you will love Susan’s words next week.
Mary, I love this post. It’s so easy for me to allow busy-ness to enrapture me, but it leaves me feeling a little hollow. Your idea of not blinking, of being in each moment, and in creating “now moments” speaks to me. I do an okay job of saying hello. But when it comes to stepping outside my comfort zone to reach out to people in other ways? Not so much. You’ve got me thinking on how I can do this more intentionally. Thank you for that!
I imagine you have many “now” moments on your daily walks. I see the beauty you capture with your camera so you are noticing what God has put before you. I know for me it is harder when I put this into practice with people. I love alone time and am a deep thinker so getting out there and interacting with people is not as easy. It sounds like we continue to have a lot in common. Let me know how it goes this week.
Good morning dear Mary. I love the story about the blinking contest. As I stand guard on my corner, the first two shifts are largely serving the drivers. I am practicing this what you speak of, trying to connect with people even as they pass by. Who know what God can do with a good morning from the corner to a driver on their way to work? Thank you for this encouragement to keep going. In Christ, Julie
Did you ever do staring contests when you were younger? I love that you are noticing and vigilant at your new job. You are keeping so many safe. Thank you for being here.