We are just shy of the end of the first month of 2019. The fresh, squeaky-clean feeling that marks the beginning of a new year is becoming a little stale. The dreams and goals that were written in our best handwriting as of January 1 may look a little ragged as we begin to cross off the ones that are too big or feel like a not yet.
But even though January is ending, I pray you see the beauty of the month that marks a beginning. A new year with new hopes and dreams does not end on January 31st. Who knows, it could be the portal into what is next.
I read somewhere on social media recently that January was a free trial month, a grace period to get back on track. Why can’t an ending actually turn into a beginning?
And as with any month, I am thankful for the time together and amazed how God continues to write my story.
As fast as January flew by, God provided many opportunities for me to learn, love, and lean into Him. So here we go!
I am learning:
About the power of redemption. My son, Nicholas, shared his story of hope on Sunday. As his mom, I am blessed to watch it unfold. If you ever want to feel the presence of God in a real and tangible way, stand and behold how God works in the lives of your kids. Click HERE to read his story of hope.
How God loves to give us mountaintop moments. At the same time, He knows the best teachable moments are when we spend time in the valley. This is my story right now and the journey continues. I love to process what I am learning in this place so I imagine some words will come out of this part of my story in the future.

I am loving:
Winter skies. The clouds, the color, the silhouettes of trees against the backdrop of wispy gray make me happy. We can talk about the cold temperatures another time. 🙂 For now, enjoy these pictures.
Historical fiction set in the World War II era. I am late to reading these books, but The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah and The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak are well-written and captivating.
I also finished reading, Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me) by Kate Motaung and Shannon Popkin. Read more about this wonderful, perspective-changing book HERE.
Finally, If God is For Us by Trillia Newbell is a devotional/Bible Study book on Romans 8, one of the most-loved chapters of the Bible.

I am leaning into:
Friends who don’t let friends walk away from the Good News. This past Saturday I spent the day with a group of women who came together to dig deeper into who Jesus is and what He says about them. Deepening our relationship with Jesus is an ongoing process that requires patience and grace. Just when we think we understand the Good News, we are thrown a curveball that causes a perspective change. I encourage you to surround yourself with friends who patiently lead you back to the Good News–God’s truth!
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15
The gift of having two adult sons. I never knew what a delight it would be to watch my adult sons continue to learn and grow. It’s a relationship that blesses me and encourages me daily.
Join me for a peek into my January. We'll talk books, winter, hope and the Good News. #monthlymusings #TellHisStory Share on XBlessings,

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I loved your thought: “A new year with new hopes and dreams does not end on January 31st. Who knows, it could be the portal into what is next.”
This is so true, and most times, it’s only when we look back that we can see that portal. (That’s why writing reflective posts such as monthly musings are important!)
I have The Book Thief on my TBR pile. I’ve been letting everything else get in front of it! It’s time to dive in!
I love the idea that God doesn’t expect us to check off any list within a time frame that is unreasonable. He just desires for us to draw closer to Him. If that includes a list, great. If not, that’s okay.
I agree that writing reflective posts is a chance for us to see how far we have actually come. It also allows me to sit with God and ask Him to show me what I am learning. It’s a great way to deepen your relationship with God.
I hope you get a chance to read The Book Thief. It’s a good one.
That book sounds great! I appreciate you stating that January can be a free trial month! Nice perspective for me today!
It was fun to see the free trial month idea on social media. I know I need it too. Thanks for being here.
Just got my copy of Influence, and I’m looking forward to starting it.
And as for January, it is a beautiful reminder of new beginnings, but so often I get caught up in the things I miss the mark on a few weeks in. So grateful for the grace that comes every morning (and afternoon and evening!)
Yay! I can’t wait to hear what you think of Influence. Let’s walk in grace together for those times we fall short. God is not bothered in the least and definitely not surprised.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful things God is doing in you. And the books you are reading! laurensparks.net
YOU’re welcome! Thank you for the blessing of joining us for Tell His Story each week.
I loved both The Nightingale and The Book Thief. It’s never too late to come to a great book. 🙂 I don’t have sons but I do have two adult daughters and I agree with you that it’s such a delight to continue to grow in relationship as they age.
As a fellow book lover, I figured you had read these books. I can only imagine what a delight it is to have two grown daughters, plus a granddaughter!!
Mary, I linked up but somehow my post had a major malfunction and all content below a certain point was lost. YIKES. I read Nicholas’ songs of hope – because, well, if it has anything to do with hope…you know me. God bless him. God bless you and I surely “hope” 2019 has as blessed an ending for YOU as 2018 had for Nicholas. Your friend…xo
Thank you dear friend! 2019 seems to be the year God is going to work big in so many lives. I am believing this as truth.
Hi, Mary!! That book looks wonderful. I’ll have to check it out. I’ve been meaning to reach out to you. I tried to send you a Christmas card but your forwarding had expired. I’m thinking it’s God’s way of telling me to hand deliver it to you! Better late than never ;). As soon as there is an acceptable temperature outside I would really love to get together. I feel like we have so much to catch up on! Thanks for the always inspiring linkup, my friend. It’s been a while for me. I spent the holidays somewhat unplugged and am just now rejoining online life again.
Influence is a wonderful book that points us to Jesus as the way in this writing world. I know you would like it. I’m sorry the Christmas card didn’t make it. We definitely need to get together. I hope I see you around here more often.
Dear Mary,
I love this thought that you shared today: “Why can’t an ending actually turn into a beginning?” It is something that has been in my thoughts lately, also. God seems to allow us to go through these times of different endings, but always with HIS own beginning of something new. Even in the valley, He is working in us for that new place. I’m looking forward to more of your sharing, Mary. You are such an encouragement! Blessings to you!
Endings are always the gateway into a beginning. I believe that God makes all things new so why wouldn’t He take an ending and turn it into a beginning? God never stops teaching me. I have so much to learn and I am grateful that God patiently waits for me to catch up.
I love your monthly musings, Mary. And as always, I love your photos. The last one is my favorite this month. 🙂 This morning it is below zero with dangerously low wind chills. But God painted the sky with a beautiful sun dog! Romans 8 is one of my favorite chapters, too. He has used different parts of it so often in the deep valleys of my life to comfort and strengthen me. I put the Bible study on my Amazon wishlist. Thank you for all the many nuggets of encouragement here! Love and blessings to you!
Thank you for your kind words about my photos. We are also getting into dangerous wind chills here in Ohio. Schools are calling off because of he dangerous temperatures.
I love knowing that you also love Romans 8 and it has pulled you through some difficult times. I hope you get a chance to read If God is For Us. You are such an encourager and you never fail to leave me smiling just because you stopped by.
I love your analogy of mountaintop moments as well as time spent in the valley. That describes life very well, I think. The important thing to remember is that even when we are in our deepest, driest valley, God is there with us always.
Thank you for your reminder that God is present with us always. That is a promise I hold onto daily. Thank you for being here, Laurie!
I just finished reading the Book Thief. I was surprised to see this book marked as TEEN actually! Wonderful though! And also read The Coldest Night, and on my shelf is Night by Elie Wiesel (my daughter’s), although it looks quite sad. So reading a lighter Teen presently-Puddin. Unbroken is another great book about the war. I could chat books all day! I like how you wrap up the month Mary. It helps too, I can imagine, to spark a heart of gratitude for our good Father.
Working at a library is opening up my world to all sorts of new books I haven’t read yet. I’m interested in Night by Elie Wiesel but need to take a break from WWII for a bit before diving into more. I love knowing we share similar book interests too. Blessings to you!
Yes, there is a special level of trust, I think, when we’re watching something unfold in the life of an adult child, and it’s hands-off, but prayers ON!
Blessings to you, Mary, as you navigate this valley and sift out the words to be shared and the ones meant just for you.
I echo Michele’s words. I’m just in the beginning stages of being the parent of adult children. It’s a whole new level of learning to trust the goodness and power of Christ. Bless you, Mary, for your faithfulness in prayer, as a mom, and in your ministry here online.
Every stage of raising children is a journey of awareness and pulling our strength from God. I pray you find many moments of watching in amazement as well as learning how to rely on God when you are not sure what to do. Thank you for blessing this community with your thoughtful comment today.
You are so encouraging and I’m thankful you understand what it’s like to have grown children. I appreciate your thoughts of hands off, and prayers on. I know that God is always with me and the valley is an okay place to be. Thank you for being here.
I love that we can have a fresh start with our hopes and dreams at any time. Even if all our hopes for the new year haven’t worked out so far we can still adjust them and start again. Thanks for sharing your January lessons and highlights. I’m glad you’re being blessed by your sons and by good friends even in the middle of the challenges, and I love the photos you shared!
I love the thought of new beginnings because I am such a work in progress. I know that God’s grace to grant new mercies every morning is something that I need often. I hope and pray you also have good people around you to walk you through any challenges. Blessings!
Mary, it seems like January was a month of stretching. I so agree, it is amazing to watch our adult children in their journey as they surely teach a lesson or two. I have If God Is For Us on the way and am looking forward to making my way through the book/study. These monthly wrap-ups are always fun to read. And lastly, your sky photos have been beautiful this month and greatly enjoyed by me 🙂
It was a month of stretching. I imagine you have witnessed many transformational moments with your own children. I pray you find If God is For Us to be a good study. Romans 8 is my favorite for a lot of personal reasons.
As much as you enjoy reading the wrap ups is how much I love to write them. I need to see how God is moving in my life and this provides the perfect opportunity for that. Blessings and hugs, my friend!