We are just shy of the end of the first month of 2019. The fresh, squeaky-clean feeling that marks the beginning of a new year is becoming a little stale. The dreams and goals that were written in our best handwriting as of January 1 may look a little ragged as we begin to cross off the ones that are too big or feel like a not yet.

But even though January is ending, I pray you see the beauty of the month that marks a beginning. A new year with new hopes and dreams does not end on January 31st. Who knows, it could be the portal into what is next.

I read somewhere on social media recently that January was a free trial month, a grace period to get back on track. Why can’t an ending actually turn into a beginning?

And as with any month, I am thankful for the time together and amazed how God continues to write my story.

As fast as January flew by, God provided many opportunities for me to learn, love, and lean into Him. So here we go!

I am learning:

About the power of redemption. My son, Nicholas, shared his story of hope on Sunday. As his mom, I am blessed to watch it unfold. If you ever want to feel the presence of God in a real and tangible way, stand and behold how God works in the lives of your kids. Click HERE to read his story of hope.

How God loves to give us mountaintop moments. At the same time, He knows the best teachable moments are when we spend time in the valley. This is my story right now and the journey continues. I love to process what I am learning in this place so I imagine some words will come out of this part of my story in the future.

I am loving:

Winter skies. The clouds, the color, the silhouettes of trees against the backdrop of wispy gray make me happy. We can talk about the cold temperatures another time. 🙂 For now, enjoy these pictures.

Historical fiction set in the World War II era. I am late to reading these books, but The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah and The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak are well-written and captivating.

I also finished reading, Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me) by Kate Motaung and Shannon Popkin. Read more about this wonderful, perspective-changing book HERE.

Finally, If God is For Us by Trillia Newbell is a devotional/Bible Study book on Romans 8, one of the most-loved chapters of the Bible.

I am leaning into:

Friends who don’t let friends walk away from the Good News. This past Saturday I spent the day with a group of women who came together to dig deeper into who Jesus is and what He says about them. Deepening our relationship with Jesus is an ongoing process that requires patience and grace. Just when we think we understand the Good News, we are thrown a curveball that causes a perspective change. I encourage you to surround yourself with friends who patiently lead you back to the Good News–God’s truth!

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15

The gift of having two adult sons. I never knew what a delight it would be to watch my adult sons continue to learn and grow. It’s a relationship that blesses me and encourages me daily.

Join me for a peek into my January. We'll talk books, winter, hope and the Good News. #monthlymusings #TellHisStory Share on X


Affiliate links are used throughout this post. If you click and order anything through these links, a small portion comes back to me. Each little bit helps to support my website. 🙂

The winner of last week’s Influence book and journal giveaway is Betsy de Cruz. Congratulations!
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