Oprah’s Courage or God’s?…{courage}

Oprah’s Courage or God’s?…{courage}

And so, we wrap up the series that all started with one quote, on one green sleeve, on a Starbuck’s cup. Fifteen simple words that ended up being anything but simple – “The only courage you ever need is the courage to live the life you want.”...
Sunday Morning Always Comes- Courage

Sunday Morning Always Comes- Courage

Courage Stepping out Letting go while still holding on Breaking free of your comfort zone Daring yourself to fly instead of hugging the ground Unshakeable faith in the midst of a storm Embracing God as the center of your life Step out in  courage and follow the Word...
Oprah’s Courage or God’s?… {I will follow}

Oprah’s Courage or God’s?… {I will follow}

Today is Part 4 of my series that is digging into a quote from Oprah: “The only courage you ever need is the courage to live the life you want.” Digging into this quote to understand what it means for my own life and exploring where courage comes from is...

Oprah’s Courage or God’s?

A week ago I was treating myself to a morning coffee from Starbucks-a pumpkin spice latte to be more specific- in celebration of cooler weather and my favorite season of Fall. Wrapped around my signature Starbucks cup was a green sleeve with encouragement for the day....

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