Are You Good at Waiting?

Are You Good at Waiting?

Sometimes things we believe about ourselves for years change in a instant. Things like I am very patient or hospitality is not my gift. So let me ask you a question as I try to sift through some of the things that are changing. Are you good at waiting? What does it...
You Have More Control Than You Think and a Giveaway

You Have More Control Than You Think and a Giveaway

I had the honor of reading Jennifer Dukes Lee’s book, It’s All Under Control, and now I get to see the fruit of this book as it releases today. Each time I opened the book, my eyes were opened to new understandings about myself and the concept of control....
What Volleyball Taught Me

What Volleyball Taught Me

I woke up the other morning with thoughts of letting go while at the same time holding on. As I lay in bed, I began to talk to God. Keep in mind the conversation was one-sided until I paused. God used the pause as an opening to show me what it looks like to be me. Let...

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