What is Your “Now” Moment?

What is Your “Now” Moment?

I shuffled down the driveway dragging my garbage can behind me. My thoughts centered on myself and to be honest the voice in my head was not very flattering. I couldn’t wait to hole up inside with my feet up on the couch. That was the plan until I lifted my eyes...
Do You Trust God’s Plan?

Do You Trust God’s Plan?

Do you trust God’s plan? How would you answer that? I’m embarrassed to say that my answer depends on the day. I consider what kind of day I am having. Then I look at how things are going for me – is life running smoothly or is it challenging? I put...
Sabbath Offerings ~ Permission

Sabbath Offerings ~ Permission

A shout escapes my lips as I rush into the house. “MO-OM, can I go to Cathy’s house”? The door bangs behind me and my words sift into dead air. A muffled voice shouts back but I have no idea where it is coming from. I skid across the kitchen floor...

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