Just Checking In

Just Checking In

Hi everyone! Just checking in! I realize that summer passed me by without celebrating some of my usual traditions. There was no pool time. A trip to see the Cincinnati Reds, cookouts, or a vacation made the list but I didn’t get to check them off. I managed to...
I Love You, Summer!

I Love You, Summer!

I was reluctant to write these words because saying goodbye to summer is hard to do. I am hanging on to the last remnants and refusing to let go. A rush of summer memories clouds my vision and I let the feelings wash over me one last time. Oh summer, I have basked in...

Summer’s Sweet Rest

June comes and with it the end of a school year. Several months stretch before me and with this is the anticipation of no set schedules, sunny, relaxing days and the freedom to come and go when I want without the usual busyness of life. I empty myself of the clutter...

Broken But Beautiful

Summer vacation has begun… Promises and dreams of lazy days, fun with friends and family time. Schedules are forgotten – instead pool time, barbecues, suntan lotion, lightening bugs and a day of play are the only agenda items that should be on the minds of...

Five Minute Friday – Release

It’s Five Minute Friday and I am joining Lisa-Jo Baker and other FMF girls to write flat out for five minutes. No editing, no polishing, and then linking up together. I am loving this challenge! I hope you enjoy it too! Check out what Five Minute Friday is all about...

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