When God Says So … Weekend Whispers

When God Says So … Weekend Whispers

I am finding when God says so, it’s going to happen whether we want it to or not. We can fight whatever it is, dig our heels in and even pretend like we didn’t hear the call to make a change or follow His lead, but pretending, pushing back or even...
Rhythm of Well-Being… Weekend Whispers

Rhythm of Well-Being… Weekend Whispers

Over the last few weeks, I have been exploring life’s rhythms. When I first began, I discovered four rhythms that I wanted to work on in my own life. They naturally fell into this beautiful group named the 4 W’s – Welcome, the Word, Worship and...
The Rhythm of Worship … Weekend Whispers

The Rhythm of Worship … Weekend Whispers

God tends to our every need even before we are aware it is a need. He breathes His strength into our very souls when we speak His name. He whispers hope into our hearts when uncertainty plagues our vision. This rhythm of seeking God and finding Him exactly where He...

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