Jesus is the Light of the World
Jesus is the Light of the World. We say it. We sing it. Then we read it, and we proclaim it to others. During the winter, I am more likely to reflect on the truth that Jesus is the light. Now that we have entered the season of Lent, my thoughts drift toward the...

Ignite the Journey: Connection with God and Others
It looked like any other Tuesday. I sat in my favorite spot on the couch with my Bible, the first cup of coffee for the day, my journal, and I invited God into my day. An hour later I went to my favorite coffee shop to do some writing before I gathered with a new...

The Light Never Fails to Shine Through the Darkness
The Light never fails to shine through the darkness-- Light that darkness could not overcome! These words from John 1:5 shine like a beacon for my weary soul. I sit up straighter and lean in to read them again. The Light never fails to shine through the darkness. The...

Advent Week Four – Pursuing Hope All the Days of Our Lives
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord shines over you. For look, darkness covers the earth, and total darkness the peoples; but the Lord will shine over you, and His glory will appear over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to...

Advent Week Three – The Anticipation of Hope
We strive for an Emmanuel hope that God is with us. Our lives and the places surrounding us are covered in darkness, filled with grief-laden moments that leave us to believe our broken hearts will never heal. But many years ago, Hope was born and His name is Jesus....

Advent Week Two – Preparing Our Hearts for Hope
“Hope is hope because of faith, because of a trust that believes something good is on the horizon. Light is on the way.” Shadow and Light by Tsh Oxenreider In this second week and every week of our lives, we are preparing our hearts for hope. We learn through the...

Advent Week One – Searching for Hope
I stood mesmerized by the flame that flickered and cast shadows on the walls of our kitchen. My family was gathered around the table and dinner was about to begin. I didn’t know, what I didn’t know. It wasn’t until I was an adult I discovered that I was searching for...

The Journey of Advent Begins Now
The beginning of a journey is always uncertain but with uncertainty comes hope. ~Lisa Wingate from Tending Roses The journey begins now. The calendar will soon say December 3. My heart taps slowly, “It’s the life you are living now.” I have already begun, while my...

Right Now Matters, More Than We May Realize
Today my friend Julie Lefebure is here to share about her new book, Right Now Matters: Empowering Right Now Women in a Culture of Distraction. Julie and I have known each other for years, crossing paths at Five Minute Friday, on social media, and all the places. She...

The Sacred Tension of Waiting
I stood in the middle of the elementary school gym. Students lined up on either side of a tug-of-war rope waiting for me. I quickly grabbed the rope positioning myself at the end. A whistle blew and I jerked back to reality. The rope almost slipped from my hands as...

When “Help” is More than a Four Letter Word
Did you know God never stops teaching you? Your day is filled with reminders. Take time to stop and look. God is the breeze on a hot and humid day, the butterfly that lands on the flower you were just admiring; and the last ray of light before the day fades. Recently,...

Five Ways to Receive God’s Inheritance
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to receive God's inheritance? Is it even attainable? What do you and I need to do to be counted as one of the many written in God's heavenly will? I'm of the age where words like inheritance, legacy, living well and how much...

What a Gift! What a Glorious Gift!
Every once in a while God takes my writing in a different direction. This post is an example of what words grouped in stanzas, laced with rhythm, and descriptive words woven throughout can look like. My recent vacation with my family to the Smoky Mountains provided...

Living Your Best Life
Living your best life paves the way for your kids, grandkids, and others. Walking in love, kindness, and humility leaves an imprint on those around you to do the same. What does this look like? How will our efforts create a legacy? Will anyone even care? I'm exploring...

God, Do You Hear Me?
Every night as a child, I knelt by my bed and prayed these words: "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep, and if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." Amen. I never asked, "God, do you hear me?" after I chanted these words....