Sabbath Offerings ~ Thanksgiving and a Surprise

Sabbath Offerings ~ Thanksgiving and a Surprise

Each weekend we gather together in this space to spend time with each other and God. You come with coffee or tea in hand and touch me with your presence and sweet words of encouragement. I look forward to our time together and love starting my day knowing you will...

Prepare Ye the Way

Prepare Ye the Way

Fall is becoming a distant memory. The chill in the air reminds me to search for my gloves, scarf, and earmuffs. The leaves hang on in places, but barrenness stretches across the landscape. A silent chant begins to crescendo each morning as I reluctantly crawl out of...

When Just the Right Women Walk in the Room

When Just the Right Women Walk in the Room

I walked into the room ready to share stories and reflections of my brave faith journey. I worked hard to prepare just the right words. Throughout the process, I prayed for God to encourage just the right women to join me for my sessions. As the day grew closer, I...

Finding the End of You

Finding the End of You

When I was young, any age over twenty seemed ancient. As I entered my teenage years, reaching thirty looked like a huge milestone. Now I look back at those ages and know that where I am is exactly where I should be. We search, sometimes our whole lives, to find the...

Scripture and a Picture ~ Faith

Scripture and a Picture ~ Faith

God tells us we only need faith the size of a mustard seed. He teaches us that His promises are true. If we only stop and turn to God, we will receive salvation. The road to faith seems relatively easy when I look at these few perspectives. The story of Abraham comes...

Finding Your Sweet Spot ~ A Guest Post

Finding Your Sweet Spot ~ A Guest Post

The temperature felt like ninety degrees in the noonday sun. If I looked closely, I saw steam radiating off the asphalt. Nearby, my mom looked confident and in control in her tennis skirt, hat, and sunglasses. I gazed at the volley of tennis balls distractedly,...

Scripture and a Picture ~ Home

Scripture and a Picture ~ Home

Leaving home a few weeks ago to travel to Colorado, seemed like going to a faraway land. I spent summer vacations growing up with my family exploring the East coast so anything west was new. I set out excited to see a new part of the country, new scenery and to spend...

Home in the In-Between

Home in the In-Between

A little over a month ago, I lived with a friend at her house. My own house sold and my new one was not ready. Rather than spend money I didn't have by living in a hotel or renting an apartment, my friend graciously opened her door to me. I packed up my house, watched...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Home is Who You Carry in Your Heart

Sabbath Offerings ~ Home is Who You Carry in Your Heart

Several years ago I met my future daughter-in -law. My son told me about her as soon as he got home from summer camp that year. He had taken a group of students to camp as a youth pastor at his church. There was something so endearing about my son when he described...

Home ~ You are Always Welcome Here

Home ~ You are Always Welcome Here

Have you ever visited someone and walked into the house feeling an immediate sense of welcome? The words "you are always welcome here" seemed to float toward you as the door opened. You wandered over to the couch with the thought of curling up under the fuzzy throw...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Reimagining Home

Sabbath Offerings ~ Reimagining Home

When I was nine, I remember watching our new house surface from a plot of land. My brothers, especially Matt, loved the trucks, diggers, front loaders and whatever else was used to create a home from scratch. From one deep hole in the ground came this beautiful two...

Becoming Enough

Becoming Enough

 "Enough" came the whisper on the wind.   As quickly as the word came, I batted it away as you would an annoying fly on a hot summer's day.  My mind processed the word "enough" so quickly and spit it back out, I imagine that even God was surprised.  God is not...

Sabbath Offerings ~ The Real You

Sabbath Offerings ~ The Real You

It starts with an "I'm fine". A small smile that doesn't reach your eyes is next. A quick change in conversation to deflect the attention away from yourself follows. Each small act takes you one step closer to burying the real you. For too many years, if I'm honest, I...

How Roly Polys Test Your Faith~A Book Review

How Roly Polys Test Your Faith~A Book Review

My previous home collected roly polys like they were going out of style. Certain corners of the basement housed families of these bugs. As hard as they tried, they did not endear themselves to me. The word nuisance comes to my mind as I remember how I swept them away...

The Road to Yes

The Road to Yes

You know about the road less travelled or the one that leads you home. Perhaps, you search for the road to success, but instead find the fork in the road. You stumble as to which direction to turn and end up looking in the wrong direction. You desire the high road,...

Hi, I’m Mary!

I am a retired elementary school teacher and the mom of two grown sons.
I’m also a woman seeking God in the ordinary routines of life.
Learn a little bit of my grace journey HERE

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