Running to Catch Myself

Running to Catch Myself

For years, I found myself in a cycle of running to catch myself. Sure there have been starts and stops along the way but the race is one of finding out who the real me is. God knows me intimately but what do I say when people ask? My typical answer sounds like,...
Becoming Enough

Becoming Enough

 “Enough” came the whisper on the wind.   As quickly as the word came, I batted it away as you would an annoying fly on a hot summer’s day.  My mind processed the word “enough” so quickly and spit it back out, I imagine that even God was...
How Roly Polys Test Your Faith~A Book Review

How Roly Polys Test Your Faith~A Book Review

My previous home collected roly polys like they were going out of style. Certain corners of the basement housed families of these bugs. As hard as they tried, they did not endear themselves to me. The word nuisance comes to my mind as I remember how I swept them away...

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