Where Do You Need to be More Honest in Your Story?
Where do you need to be more honest in your story? What holds you back from living authentically? How do you move forward when the truth you seek is not what God created you for? These power-packed questions will either leave you cowering or ready to face them head...

Light and Dark: God’s Perfect Dichotomy
I'm not sure when I began to become fascinated with light and dark. Maybe it was last year, the year before that, or maybe it was yesterday. I feel like it's always been simmering below the surface waiting to make its appearance. It's as if it has always been standing...

If You Had Known Me: Three Ways that Lead to the Father
"lf you had known me, you would have known my Father also." This verse from John 14 begins with five words that make all the difference. What if we take these five words and hold them closely as we begin this new year? What if we decide that Jesus is where we hold our...

What Happens When You Don’t Want a Word of the Year?
The month of December was already moving along and I told myself that I didn't need a "word" for the year. Time was running out and many people I knew were already posting their "one word." I was feeling that this next year would be a time of "me and God" without the...

Is it Possible to Have Hope and Joy in 2021?
The last few days of 2020 passed very quickly and the memories of the holidays faded out as the curtain closed on the year. My thoughts now begin to run haphazardly and I am left thinking that 2020 was a cruel joke. The hopes and dreams that lived in my heart as the...

An Invitation to Advent Living
I remember the first nudge, the quickening of my spirit followed by an intake of breath. It was a time when life was overtaking me and catching my breath was hurried at best. A seed was planted that day as I realized that life did not need to feel overwhelming on a...

Becoming Advent People in a Busy World
Hurry up! Slow down! Follow me. Shop here. Buy this. Conflicting messages come at us non-stop. If we focus on what everyone is saying and turn toward the world, we forget the reason we are here, to begin with. The world continues to shout louder, our hearts beat...

Waiting Well in any Season … and Book Release Day!
Standing in line at the grocery store recently I found myself wondering how it's even possible in our hurry-up world to stand in line for anything. I'm the first person to claim the desires of my heart as soon as they come available. The thought is that we "deserve"...

Wishing, Waiting, and Willingness … and Book News
Looking back over the last five years, it feels like a blur. The combination of major life changes and loss, mixed with dreams and an open heart brought me to where I am today. There was no magic formula. Many times I believed "stuck" was where I would end up in the...

Lord, Have Your Way in Me ~ Guest Post
Some days I wake up and wonder how I made it through the last five years. I wonder if it was all a dream, but morning comes and I find myself on the other side of those five years. My mind frequently runs through the highlights as I process the loss, grief, season of...

How to Become People of Advent
If I take a peek at my calendar, I notice how quickly the holidays are approaching. Countdowns to Christmas have already begun and stores are displaying all things Christmas. I start breathing faster at the thought that I don't have enough time. About five years ago,...

How to Transition Well During Change
If you have ever experienced change, this post is for you. If you push back against change, this post is for you. When change is not what you asked for, this post is for you. If you are learning how to transition well during change, this post is for you. The last six...

September Musings ~ 2020
I tell everyone my favorite season is summer and it is. There is nothing like it in my eyes until we begin the transition into a new season. The slow slide of one season into the next is a gift to behold every single time. We see the beauty of the previous season give...

How Sweet the Sound
The final notes of the hymn reverberated through the church as the congregation took their seats. Hope presided as the chorus replayed through my mind one more time--"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound." I quietly nodded to myself. Mom would be so happy to know we...

Are You Using Your Time Wisely?
I'm not sure when I first heard it. It could have been when I was a child, or as a teenager, or even as an adult. The timing of when I heard the words does not make a difference, but the phrase and its meaning does. Somewhere along the timeline of my life, I began to...