Monthly Musings ~ January 2018

Monthly Musings ~ January 2018

I love the thought of looking back over the month and recording things I learned, loved or lived. So here goes my attempt to share ME each month in 2018. January arrives in all its glory as the clock strikes midnight. As I get older, the clock is striking but you will...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Prayer ~ Part 2

Sabbath Offerings ~ Prayer ~ Part 2

My phone vibrated next to me as I sat on the couch working on my emails for the day. I glanced down and quickly went back to work on decluttering my inbox, which is a neverending battle. Being a one phone family, I rarely answer my phone unless I know who is calling....

Sanctuary ~ The Home in My Heart ~ Guest Post

Home is my safe place. A retreat from the weary world. My sanctuary, my quiet place, where I seek restoration. I desire for my heart to feel the same way. The home in my heart becomes my sanctuary when I allow God to reside there with me. Photo...

Purposeful Living in the Moment

Purposeful Living in the Moment

I remember a short period of time, when my sons were young, spending my days as a stay at home mom. Each day ran into the next and very little seemed to change from day-to-day. If I looked ahead I saw what looked like the same old, same old. Looking back now, I missed...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Prayer

Sabbath Offerings ~ Prayer

I have to do the laundry. I have to clean the house. Or I have to take my kids to basketball. How amazing would it be to change our "have to" into "get to"? What would it look like to change each statement above by starting with "I get to"? This is a major mind shift...

Reimagining Our Purpose

Reimagining Our Purpose

I remember when I was in Kindergarten seeing a very clear picture of my future purpose. I adored my Kindergarten teacher and began to dream in that moment of becoming a teacher. Of course, when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I quickly responded "a...

Sabbath Offerings ~ Sanctuary

Sabbath Offerings ~ Sanctuary

I slowly walked up the aisle, my eyes on the deep red carpet below. Each step marked off the pathway to the familiar pew where my family sat each Sunday. Not looking where I was going, I almost bumped into my brother not one small step ahead. He genuflected, which...

My One Word  2018 ~ Surrender

My One Word 2018 ~ Surrender

Before I succumbed to the nasty flu bug that will take down even the strongest among us, God began stirring together a list of possible words for this year. He always does it in the gentlest of ways and never allows the word to shine brightly in neon for me to see. I...

Sabbath Offerings ~ 4th Sunday of Advent

Sabbath Offerings ~ 4th Sunday of Advent

The 4th Sunday of Advent doesn't always fall on Christmas Eve, but this year both land on the same day. As the season of Advent ends, new beginnings arrive in a manger in Bethlehem. For those of us that compartmentalize our lives, it seems that we need to tie up...

Sabbath Offerings ~ 3rd Sunday of Advent

Sabbath Offerings ~ 3rd Sunday of Advent

It's hard to believe it is already the 3rd Sunday of Advent. In a week and one day, we will be celebrating Christmas. I feel in a rush to slow down and use the rest of this time wisely. It is contradictory to all I am trying to do. Hurry up and wait. Go faster to...

In the Stillness

In the Stillness

In the Stillness At first light, my eyes flutter open I fight against dawn's rays and roll over The sun's milky beam finds its way between the blinds And I curl up closer and cocoon myself under the blankets. First light, new day, a quiet awakening In the stillness, I...

Sabbath Offerings ~ 2nd Sunday of Advent

Sabbath Offerings ~ 2nd Sunday of Advent

On this 2nd Sunday of Advent let's look into why Mary and Joseph ended up in Bethlehem for the birth of their son, Jesus. Their faith and perseverance are a testimony to an essential piece of the story God had written. The travel conditions were harsh and the back of...

You Are Brave

You Are Brave

I wonder whether brave is only for a season. After the season is over, I can return to the sweet comfort of laying low, returning to my comfort zone and just being me. It's like my own seasonal time of hibernation. I talk to myself and believe I can conquer brave...

Sabbath Offerings ~ 1st Sunday of Advent

Sabbath Offerings ~ 1st Sunday of Advent

Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent. A time for us to mark a new beginning. The preparation of our hearts for God's greatest gift to us - His Son. It is our chance to embrace the hope of all that is coming. Today I share past Advent traditions and the lessons God shared...

The Dance of the Empty Chairs

The Dance of the Empty Chairs

Four years ago, my snapshot of family changed forever. The comfortable and familiar were snatched out from underneath my feet like a magician pulling a tablecloth away from the table decorations in one fell swoop. This marked the beginning of the dance of the empty...

Hi, I’m Mary!

I am a retired elementary school teacher and the mom of two grown sons.
I’m also a woman seeking God in the ordinary routines of life.
Learn a little bit of my grace journey HERE

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